
  • 网络20th Century Chinese Literature;The Literature of China in the Twentieth Century
  1. 二十世纪中国文学史研究与中国社会

    Research in Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and Chinese Community

  2. 现代性:二十世纪中国文学的显著特征

    Modernity : the Character of the Twentieth Century Chinese Literature

  3. 论文学史论文集的编纂&《二十世纪中国文学史论文精粹》个案评析

    On Compiling Collection of Papers on Literature History

  4. 论二十世纪中国文学的三种模式

    On three patterns of the 20th Chinese literature

  5. 二十世纪中国文学与佛教应对苦难的三种方式

    Chinese Literature of 20th Century and Three Buddhism Ways of Dealing with the Suffering

  6. 二十世纪中国文学史观的反思

    Reflections on Chinese Literary History Views in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  7. 新古典主义与二十世纪中国文学

    Neo - Classicism and 20th Century Chinese Literature

  8. 从叙述到描绘&从语体风格看二十世纪中国文学批评的视角转换

    Changes in the Angle of Vision for the 20th-century Chinese Literary Criticism Seen through Styles

  9. 从现代化到现代性:二十世纪中国文学研究思路的转型

    From Modernization to Modernity : Transition of Modern Chinese Literature Studies in the 20th Century

  10. 二十世纪中国文学形式批评的困境及其对策

    The Difficult Position of 20th Century 's Chinese Literary Forms Criticism and It 's Countermove

  11. 对二十世纪中国文学之现代性特征的认定及描述始终是学科的基本问题之一。

    The definition and description about modernity is one of basic questions in Chinese modern literature field .

  12. 二十世纪中国文学史上,张爱玲是一个颇具魅力的作家。

    Zhang Ailing is a very charming novelist in Chinese history of literature of the twentieth century .

  13. 最后在结语处总结二十世纪中国文学苦难叙事的局限性。

    Finally , the writer summarizes the limitations of misery narration in the 20th century China literature .

  14. 然而要想真正理解、把握二十世纪中国文学,就不能不首先对二十世纪中国左翼文学及其理论有正确的认识。

    But anyone who wants to learn the 20th Chinese Literature has to understand the Leftist Literature first .

  15. 这一切使沈从文文学创作在整个二十世纪中国文学史上独行渐远。

    All of them have made his writing go far away alone in Chinese literature history of 20th century .

  16. 国民性的揭示、批判和改造,是二十世纪中国文学的一个基本主题。

    The disclosure , animadvert and reconstruction of national character is one of the main theme of the twentieth century .

  17. 对苦难的共同关注是佛教文化价值观与二十世纪中国文学的首要契合点。

    Focusing on the suffering together is the first fusion point between Buddhism culture and Chinese literature of 20th century .

  18. 中断还是延续:对二十世纪中国文学启蒙性的理解

    Discontinuity or Continuity : An Understanding of the Enlightenment Function of the Chinese Literature in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  19. 在二十世纪中国文学史上,老舍是一位坚持不懈地致力于底层叙事的伟大作家。

    Dedicating himself persistently to understratum narration , Lao She was a great writer in Chinese literature history of the twentieth century .

  20. 它们以一种补充、协调的方式与主流文学一起共同丰富着二十世纪中国文学的发展。

    It enriches the development of Chinese literature in the 20th century together with the main literature in a supplementary 、 coordinated way .

  21. 城市和乡村的空间转换&试论二十世纪中国文学家族叙事的空间机制之一

    Space Transformation from City to Countryside : One of the Space Mechanism in Family Narration of China 's 20 ~ ( th ) Literature

  22. 徐訏是二十世纪中国文学史上一位个性独特的作家,他的小说创作尤为引人瞩目。

    Xu Xu was a writer with unique personality in the history of the 20th century Chinese literature , and his fictions were particularly outstanding .

  23. 作为二十世纪中国文学的主流形态,左翼文学的指导理论一直未得到客观清理。

    As the main body of the Chinese literature in 20th century , the Leftist Literature , with its theory , has never been studied impersonally .

  24. 茅盾作为二十世纪中国文学史上深有影响的文学大师,为人生的文学观贯穿了他的整个文学生涯。

    As an influential master in Chinese literary history in 20th century , Mao Tun holds his literary belief of Art for life throughout his literary career .

  25. 中国以抗日战争为题材的文学创作也取得了非凡的成就,成为二十世纪中国文学史不可缺少的一部分。

    The Chinese Anti-Japanese War writings , a part of this event , also get great achievements , and become an important part of the 20th century Chinese literary history .

  26. 第三章主要梳理了中国现代文学生态审美意识的演进过程,在整个二十世纪中国文学中,生态主题始终处于无名的状态,在叙事上呈现出隐性书写的结构特征。

    In the entire 20th century , ecological theme was always in an anonymous state all the time in Chinese literature , and it presented narrative structural characteristics of recessive writing .

  27. 西方思想界对于启蒙的理解为我们考察二十世纪中国文学的启蒙性提供了启示:启蒙始终是二十世纪中国文学的基本主题。

    An examination of western ideological views on enlightenment may give us great inspiration : Enlightenment is the basic theme of the Chinese literature in the 20 ~ ( th ) century .

  28. 鉴于鲁迅覆盖整个二十世纪中国文学的巨大身影,反思二十世纪中国文学的整体品格,鲁迅便成为无论如何也绕不开的存在。

    In view of enormous reflection of Luxun covering 20 century Chinese literature , in any case , the introspection of 20 century Chinese literature may not evade the existence of Luxun .

  29. 他们通过二十世纪中国文学以及重写文学史的口号,探讨并创建了新的文学史研究范式,从而导致了本时期的多元化和个性化色彩。

    They established a new paradigm of literature history study through the slogan of twenty century Chinese literature and literature history rewriting , and lead to the pluralism and personalization of their literature writings .

  30. 梁启超作为链接两代知识分子的桥梁和跨越两个世纪的学人,不仅对新青年们产生了重大的影响,而且开启了二十世纪中国文学现代转型之先河。

    Liang Ch'i-ch'ao , as the scholar bridging the intellectuals of two generations and leaping over two centuries , not only exerted great influence on the new youth , but also initiated the transition of Chinese literature in the 20th century .