
  1. 陈思和90年代重写文学史理论的新启蒙精神

    On the Neo-didacticism of Chen Si-he 's theory of contemporary Chinese Literature

  2. 文学史理论建构的多元与写作实践的困境

    Diversity of the Theory of the History of Literature and the Dilemma of Writing Practice

  3. 对中国现当代文学史理论创新的思考

    Theoretical innovation on Chinese modern literary history

  4. 文学史理论是从文学实践史和文学史实践中抽象出来的对文学发展规律的种种见解。

    The theory of literary history , which draws from the empirical literary history and the practising of literary history practice contains various viewpoints of literature development regulations .

  5. 刘建军教授认为,国内的外国文学史理论形态没有根本性改变有多方面的原因,最关键的是让读者无法确定其所解释的文学现象是现代的而不是传统的。

    Liu believes that there is no radical change in theories about foreign literary history yet , and the most important reason lies in that the existing theories do not provide a modern interpretation of all the literary phenomena in the history .

  6. 翻译文学史的理论与方法

    Theories and Approaches to the History of Translated Literature

  7. 历史与叙事&浅谈大陆学者所撰台湾文学史的理论视野

    History and Narration & on theoretical perspective of Taiwan literary history written by mainland scholars

  8. 关于文学史几个理论问题的思考&新编《中国文学史》总绪论

    Reflections on Several Theoretical Issues of Literary History : General Introduction to the Newly Compiled History of Chinese Literature

  9. 因而亟须建构并运用多元化的、科学的文学史模式理论和方法,指导文学史的研究、著述和教学。

    Therefore , it needs the construction of modes and methods which are pluralistic and scientific to conduct the research and teaching of literary history .

  10. 论现代性与中国现代文学史研究的理论预设

    Modernity and Theoretical Presupposition in the Study of Modern Chinese Literature

  11. 文学口述史的理论、方法与实践初探

    Briefly on Theory , Method and Practice of Literary Dictation History

  12. 《文心雕龙》作为中国文学批评史上理论体系最为周全详赡的理论专著,对后世产生了极为深远的影响。

    Wenxin Diaolong , or Literary Perfection , as the most overall and detailed theoretical system in Chinas history of literature criticism , has been giving profound influences for generations .

  13. 最后就当代童话创作向口头传统时代回归的倾向与弗莱的文学史的循环理论达成一致。

    At last , for inclination of modern fairy tale creation come back the traditional speak period have a same theories of Northrop · Frye " Cycle of literature " .

  14. 在导言中,笔者先确定了讨论目的和范围,即通过中国文学翻译史分析理论在译者策略选择方面的局限性。

    In the " Introduction ", I clarify my purpose and scope of discussion , i.e. I will only investigate the limitations of the theory regarding the translator 's strategic selection by testing it against the background of the Chinese literary translation history .

  15. 中国翻译文学史:实践与理论

    Writing of a Chinese History of Translated Literature : Its Theory and Practice

  16. 必须重新思考对文学和文学史的理论理解,必须重新思考我们对经典文学的依恋情结。

    Therefore , we must consider theoretic comprehension to literature and history of literature again , must consider our attaching emotion to classic literature again .

  17. 无疑,姜夔的《白石道人诗说》不论在南宋文学史还是整个文学理论史上都占有重要地位。

    His poetry anthology " the poem theory of Baishi Daoren " plays an important role in the NanSong Dynasty and the history of literature theory .

  18. 本文第一章介绍了美国文学史上自然主义的理论和实践并阐释了斯坦贝克作为自然主义作家的特点。

    The first chapter of the thesis gives a brief introduction to the naturalistic theories and practices in American literature and the main features of Steinbeck 's naturalism are expounded .

  19. 写实文学的涵义本身在文学史或文学理论阐释的历史与当下时空中有其复杂性。

    The meaning of Realistic Literature itself has its complexity in the history of modern society .

  20. 第二章深入翟氏《中国文学史》内部,从文学史写作的相关理论出发,从内在结构上揭示这一文学史中暗含的前瞻性因素。

    The second chapter go deep into the interior and from the view of the literature history writing theories , revealed the implied forward-looking element on the internal structure .

  21. 因此,运用现代性理论重新界定各种文学思潮,包括启蒙主义,是研究中国文学史的理论前提。

    Redefining the literary trends from the theory of the Modernity , including the Enlightenment is the premise for studying Chinese literary history .

  22. 因此,本论文具有创新性、前沿性和独特的学术价值。对于俄苏文学和中国现代文学的研究都有不可替代之文学史意义和学术理论价值。

    Owing to the academic innovation , originality and uniqueness of this thesis , it is hoped that it will have an irreplaceable value in the academic and theoretic study of the history of literature of both Russia-Soviet and China .

  23. 21世纪的中国文学史研究如何在百年积累的基础上达到更高境界,这是文学史研究和文学史理论面临的新课题。

    Therefore , the new topic faced by literary history research and literary history theory is how to make literary history research reach a higher level based on a hundred years'accumulation .