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  1. 有人斯可教,有教斯可学,自开辟则既然矣。(《文献通考·学校》)自从人类社会产生,教育就随之出现。

    Education appeared since the human society came into being .

  2. 《文献通考·经籍考》&中国宋代重要的史志目录

    Wen Xian Tong Kao · Jing Ji Kao : An Important Chronicle of Dynasty Song in China

  3. 《文献通考》从更为开阔的历史视角总结典制因革,为经世之用提供制度模式的参照;

    WENXIAN TONGKAO summarized the transformation of institutions by wide historical angle of view , afforded reference for the real society .

  4. 马端临的《文献通考。经籍考》是一部目录学著作,书中体现了辑录体的编撰方法。

    Comprehensive Textual Research of Historical Documents by Ma Duan-lin is a very famous book about the theory of bibliography which reflects compiling methods of the style of compilation .

  5. 在这个问题上,连《文献通考》和《记考》都是界限不清的,致使现在不少人沿误。

    On this issue , even the " Book of General " and " Remember the test " are ill-defined , the result , many people along the error .

  6. 较有代表性的史学著作有私家编撰的《文献通考》等和官修的《宋史》、《辽史》、和《金史》等。

    The representatives of the historical works are the privately compiled w Wen Xian Tong Kao ty and the official revision of u The History of Song 11 , u The History of Liao and The History of Jin ry and so on .

  7. 《文献通考》是宋末元初史学家马端临编撰,分田赋、钱币、户口、职役等24门类,共348卷。

    Wen Xian Tong Kao was compiled by the historian Ma Duanlin in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty . It covers more than twenty-four fields such as tax , monetary , registered permanent residence and the positions etc. The book has three hundred and forty-eight volumes .