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chí zǎo
  • sooner or later;early or late
迟早 [chí zǎo]
  • [sooner or later;early or late] 或早或晚

  • 大概说长安登科,函使报信迟早云尔。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

迟早[chí zǎo]
  1. 这事迟早都是要发生的。

    It was bound to happen sooner or later .

  2. 继续申请吧,根据平均律你迟早会找到工作的。

    Keep applying and by the law of averages you 'll get a job sooner or later .

  3. 我们迟早会赢的。

    We may win yet .

  4. 她迟早会被警方逮住的。

    Sooner or later she would be caught by the police .

  5. 迟早他会厌倦总是把自己排在最后。

    Sooner or later he may tire of constantly putting himself last .

  6. 迟早我得自己承担后果。

    Sooner or later , I 'm going to have to face the music .

  7. 她早知道他们之间的休战持续不了多长时间。他们之间的账迟早要清算。还将会有一场争斗。

    She knew their truce would not last . There would be a reckoning . There would be another fight .

  8. 这个小通讯员迟早会累垮的。

    The messenger boy will run off his legs sooner or later .

  9. 我早就认为他迟早会原形毕露的。

    I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later .

  10. 我迟早要把这一复杂的过程全部告诉你。

    I will tell you , sooner or later , all the complicated process .

  11. 我们迟早会成功的。

    Sooner or later we will succeed .

  12. 这东西迟早会有用处。

    It may come in handy .

  13. 我知道这事迟早会发生。

    I know that this would happen , first or last .

  14. 约翰迟早会把他自己卷入危险的困境中去。

    John would , sooner or later , involve himself in serious trouble .

  15. 迟早我们会查出事实真相。

    We shall find the truth early or late .

  16. 我迟早要为那事给你颜色看。

    I 'll get you for that .

  17. 我们必须对那棵枯树进行处理,它迟早要倒下来,可能会砸伤人的。

    We must do something about that dead tree , it 's only a matter of time before it falls down and maybe injures somebody .

  18. 每个人迟早都会回归自然,这肯定是真的。

    It must be true that sooner or later , everyone finds his or her way back to nature .

  19. 坏天气迟早会过去的,消极的事情也会过去的。

    Bad weather will pass sooner or later , so will the negative things .

  20. 如果我们背负重担,我们迟早将无法继续下去。

    If we carry our burdens , sooner or later , we will not be able to carry on .

  21. 哈利:是的,我不能总是依赖我的父母。迟早,我会一个人生活,面对生活中的困难。

    Harry : Yes , I can 't always depend on ( upon ) my parents.Sooner or later , I will live alone and face the difficulties in my life .

  22. 历史上任何联盟迟早都垮台了。

    All the coalitions in history have disintegrated sooner or later .

  23. 你迟早会找到工作的。

    You 'll find a job sooner or later .

  24. 事实上要是你还活着,这迟早将派上大用场。

    Which would come in handy if , in fact , you were still alive .

  25. 没有时间娱乐的人,迟早得生病。

    People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness .

  26. 我们可能迟早会看到Facebook估值的合理性。

    We might see justification of that valuation yet .

  27. 任何不适合保护SOA业务价值的事物迟早都将撤退。

    Everything , which does not fit with preserving the business value of SOA , will retreat sooner or later .

  28. 当然如果你自己做检查的话就最好了,不过请记住坏点是迟早会在LCD上出现的。

    Of course , you will personally inspect it even better than we do and also remember dead pixel will often appear later on LCD .

  29. 分析师们认为重组是迟早的事,HTC要么被实力更强大的竞争对手收购,要么和它们合并。

    Beyond that , analysts see further restructuring , if not a buyout or merger with a larger company .

  30. 由于推动日韩自由贸易区实质性进展的有利因素,日韩FTA迟早会重开谈判,这是没有疑义的。

    Because the favorable factor of substantive progress in the Japanese-South Korea FTA , the negotiation must reopen sooner or later without any doubt .