
  1. 此报价为实盘,以你方不迟于是14日复到为准。

    This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us not later than the14th .

  2. 如双方签署日期不一致,自较迟的签署日起生效。

    This contract shall be effective as of the latter of the signature dates which shall be referred to as the agreement date .

  3. 该期限不因在交单到期日的当天或之后最迟期交单日之交单而被缩减或受到影响。

    This period is not curtailed or otherwise affected by the occurrence on or after the date of presentation of any expiry date or last day for presentation .

  4. 受东传型厄尔尼诺事件的影响,全区大部低温阴雨结束期偏迟,总日数偏多。

    The Finished date of low temperature and overcast rain weather is later and the days of that is more than normal as a result of eastward Elnino event .

  5. 你要迟了,星期日早午餐怎么了?

    You 're late . What happened to Sunday brunch ?

  6. 在紧急情况下,应当不迟于实施之日公布。

    In emergency situations , it may be promulgated no later than the date of implementation .

  7. 234.中国代表确认,不迟于加入之日,中国对农产品将不维持或采用任何出口补贴。

    234 . The representative of China confirmed that by the date of accession , China would not maintain or introduce any export subsidies on agricultural products .