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chí dùn
  • slow;obtuse;thickness;stagnation;torpor;torpescence
迟钝 [chí dùn]
  • [slow;obtuse] 反应迟缓;脑子不灵敏

  • 反应迟钝

迟钝[chí dùn]
  1. 卡萝尔心不在焉,反应有点迟钝。

    Carol was absent-minded and a little slow on the uptake .

  2. 他的脑袋受过撞击,从那以后,他的反应变得有些迟钝。

    He got hit on the head and he 's been a bit slow since .

  3. 会谈失败主要是由于反应迟钝和时机不对。

    The failure of the talks was mainly due to insensitivity and mistiming .

  4. 他是班里最迟钝的。

    He 's the slowest in the class .

  5. 他很迟钝。

    He 's very dim .

  6. 不睡觉的话,工作起来会变得反应迟钝。

    Without sleep you will become a zombie at work .

  7. 我经历的那种恐怖已使我感觉迟钝。

    The horror of my experience has numbed my senses .

  8. 一旦停止用脑,人很快就会变得迟钝。

    Once you stop using your brain you soon go stale

  9. 人群毫无热情的迟钝反应使我感到很沮丧。

    I 'm depressed by the bovine enthusiasm of the crowd 's response .

  10. 能够触动最迟钝的味觉的食物

    food to titillate the most jaded of palates .

  11. 普丽姆罗丝因疲惫而显得有些迟钝,开始哭着说她饿了。

    Primrose , stupefied by tiredness , began to wail that she was hungry .

  12. 我学走路和说话都很慢,所以我父母以为我很迟钝。

    I was slow to walk and talk and my parents thought I was backward .

  13. 自心脏病发作以来,他的动作迟钝多了。

    He has slowed down a lot since his heart attack .

  14. 智力迟钝的孩子需要的不是怜悯,而是帮助。

    A retarded child needs help , not pity .

  15. 他年逾70,但不衰老迟钝。

    He is over seventy but he shows no signs of slowing up .

  16. 你太迟钝了,没有理解这种暗示。

    You were too obtuse to take the hint .

  17. 对变化反应迟钝表明你的生物钟很混乱。

    Slow to respond to the change , your body clock is confused .

  18. 从小到大都有人说我迟钝,但我17岁的时候智商就达到了150,我一点儿也不傻。

    Growing up , I had people telling me I was too slow , though , with an IQ of 150 + at 17 , I 'm anything but stupid .

  19. 所以我们的味蕾变得迟钝。

    So our taste buds become senseless .

  20. 当被要求加速时,他显得非常迟钝。

    His rustiness showed when he was asked to speed up .

  21. 这道菜简直可以恢复迟钝的味觉

    Here is a dish that will revive jaded palates .

  22. 剑鞘保护剑的锋利,自己却满足於它自己的迟钝。

    The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword .

  23. “有毒单身汉”指的是自私、感觉迟钝、惧怕承诺的未婚男性。

    Toxic1 bachelor is an unmarried man who is selfish , insensitive , and afraid of commitment .

  24. 而今这种创意的灵感和反应上的迟钝的对照也适用于世界上的各大中央银行

    That contrast between flashy inspiration and stolidity may now apply to the world 's big central banks .

  25. 意怠反应比较迟钝,不能高飞,似乎笨拙无能。

    The Yidais were slow in reaction . They could not fly very high and seemed clumsy and incapable .

  26. 但睡回笼觉也有可能伤害到你的身体,因为它会扰乱你的生物钟,造成记忆力差、反应迟钝。

    However , unprotected sleep can be harmful to one ’ s health as it may disturb your biological clock , resulting in your short memory and blunt2 responsiveness .

  27. 咖啡让你有精神,但是咖啡馆的设计初衷是让你去放松的;相反,酒精让你迟钝无力,但是酒吧却是叫你去嗨玩的。-5-

    Coffee makes you hyper , but coffee shops are designed for people to chill , whereas alcohol is a depressant but bars and clubs are designed for people to be energetic .

  28. 懒惰的Linux集群管理员不会做那些让他们的脑子变得迟钝的工作。

    The lazy Linux cluster admin does not accept work that turns his brain into fluff .

  29. 有时,默多克父子跟议员们讲话的态度,就好像他们是一群有点迟钝的MBA学生。

    At times the two Murdochs addressed the MPs as if they were a slightly dim MBA class .

  30. 水沟则偏重于针对VD患者喜睡嗜卧、反应迟钝、神思恍惚、记忆等症状的改善;

    Shuigou is good at improvement of sleeping , slow reaction , trance and memory of the patients .