
chí mù
  • Twilight;past one's prime;late in one's life
迟暮 [chí mù]
  • [past ones prime;late in one's life] 黄昏;比喻晚年,暮年

  • 惟草木之零落兮,恐美人之迟暮。--《楚辞.离骚》

  • 迟暮少寝食,清旷喜荆扉。--杜甫《甘林》

  • 迟暮之感

迟暮[chí mù]
  1. 迟暮&张爱玲小说人物原型

    Declining Years : Character Archetype of Zhang Ailing 's Novels

  2. 巴穆·柯比在她心中煽动起一片迟暮的情欲。

    Palmer Kirby had wakened late blooming lusts in her .

  3. 迟暮晚晴是他们永远无法分享的一种经验。

    Old age was something they would never be able to share .

  4. 我们至少要满足迟暮老人的愿望。

    That we should at least try to grant a dying Mars wish .

  5. 惟草木之零落兮,恐美人之迟暮。

    The plant will deteriorate and disperse , but the beauty is always afraid to become old .

  6. 美国人最初向往青春,而现在,处于迟暮的自怜,他们崇拜青春。

    Americans began by loving youth , and now , out of adult self-pity , they worship it .

  7. 那么多的购物中心都已经英雄迟暮,致使一个新的业余爱好已经出现:购物商城野史记。

    So many malls have died or are dying that a new hobby has appeared : amateur shopping-mall history .

  8. 对于职业体育来说,最烂的事情莫过于英雄迟暮,美人白头。

    Regarding the professional sports , the most rotten matter nothing better than hero is late in life , beautiful woman old age .

  9. “迟暮的女同性恋”指的就是本是同性恋的女人将本应早些显露的性取向一直压抑,在成熟乃至更迟些的人生阶段才表现出来么?

    ' Late-life lesbians'are just women who were attracted to women all along but were too repressed to come out earlier , right ?

  10. 塔夫点悬崖从3000英尺的高度俯瞰这个有名的翠绿山谷。悬崖被一片孤寂笼罩,在迟暮中变成灰色。

    In their wake was the empty quiet of Taft Point , 3000 feet above a famous green valley going gray in late-day shadow .

  11. 以历史的烟尘为背景,它如迟暮的美人,亦凝固成今日浦江游客、外滩情侣眼中永恒的风景。

    Through the history 's smoke and dust , she 's an old beauty and also an ever-bright scenery for the visitors and lovers .

  12. 今夜让我们一路前行无怨无悔,只管去爱我们可以起舞,直至迟暮你和我,将青春永驻

    Let 's go all the way tonight No regrets , just love We can dance , until we die You and I , will be young forever

  13. 记得有一天看见了一个迟暮的老人,一向不善于记住别人脸的我却将她刻进了我的记忆。

    I remembered once I saw an old woman . I , a girl who is 't good at remembering others'faces , even inserted her face into my brain .

  14. 路透社在评论奥林巴斯丑闻时说,这是日本企业治理文化中“迟暮沉沉的一面”,日本传统企业需要反思自己的治理模式。

    Reuters in the commentary said Olympus scandal , this is Japan enterprise management culture " a dying side ", Japan 's traditional enterprise need to reflect on their governance mode .

  15. 即使这些建筑物的外观并没有好好维护,它散发出巴黎年华迟暮的感觉,这对巴黎的特质来说真的很重要。

    Even , you know , the facades are not well taken care of , so it gives that feeling ofold Paris that 's really important to the spirit of Paris .

  16. 是在金黄色的迟暮时分,第一批男孩在城里发了疯似的跑着,散布消息,说奇诺和胡安娜回来了。是谁散布这消息的?

    It was late in the golden afternoon when the first little boys ran hysterically in the town and spread the word that Kino and Juana were coming back Who put the news about ?

  17. 走过了多少年岁月沧桑的人,即便是在朝霞初升的黎明,也常常会感到一种落日迟暮的萧瑟。

    Gone through many vicissitudes of the people of juvenile years , even at the dawn of the rising dawn , and usually will be a sunset of the bleak past one 's prime .

  18. 对于职业体育来说,无论哪个领域,你都不得不感叹,世间最烂的事情莫过于英雄迟暮,美人白头。

    Regarding the professional sports , regardless of which domain , you can not but sigh , in society most rotten matter nothing better than hero is late in life , beautiful woman old age .

  19. 作者既看到了他们之间的幸福,也写出了其中的辛酸,看到了他们生命中的辉煌,也写出了病人迟暮的苍凉。

    Author has seen the well-being between them , but also to write the bitterness of them saw their lives in the glory , but also to write the patient 's old age and the desolation .

  20. 再后来就是人生迟暮,内分泌系统活动减少,若此时吾辈已经悟得老年真谛,并据此安排残年,那生活将和平,宁静,安详而知足;

    then In the sunset of our life , the endocrine glands decrease their activity , and if we have a true philosophy of old age and have ordered our life pattern according to it , it is for us the age of peace and security and leisure and contentment ;