首页 / 词典 / good


qì shu
  • fate;destiny;fortune destiny
气数 [qì shù]
  • [destiny] 命运

  • 气数已衰

气数[qì shu]
  1. 气数已尽。

    Someone 's spell of good fortune has run out .

  2. 2013年,耐克公司售出了约3300万美元的FuelBand腕带,为此它招了200名员工,甚至围绕这个设备开展了一个加速计划。如果它都对可穿戴设备没兴趣了,这是不是意味着这种设备气数将尽了?

    If Nike ( NKE ) , which had sold an estimated $ 33 million worth of FuelBand bracelets in 2013 , employing 200 people and even running an accelerator program around the device , was no longer interested , did this spell disaster for the category ?

  3. 随着时间流逝,有人会说,他气数尽了。

    You know , as times gose by , they say , He 's washed up .

  4. 因为她气数已尽吗?

    Because her number was up ?

  5. 中华帝国气数尽了。

    The Middle Kingdom was dead .

  6. 就像大多数一集比一季还长的剧一样,这部剧给人的感觉是气数将尽。

    It felt like it was running out of life , as most shows that last longer than a season do .

  7. 佛罗里达商会会长马克威尔逊记起2007年他坐在飞机上阅读华尔街周刊时,那上面有篇题为“佛罗里达气数已尽?”

    Mark Wilson , the head of the Florida Chamber of Commerce , recalls sitting in an airport in2007 reading an article in the Wall Street Journal headlined : " Is Florida Over ?"