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xīng shuāi
  • Rise and fall;rise and decline;vicissitude;ups and downs
兴衰 [xīng shuāi]
  • [rise and decline] 兴旺和衰败

兴衰[xīng shuāi]
  1. 20世纪深孔加工技术的兴衰及新突破&介绍SIED深孔加工集成技术

    Rise and Decline of Deep Hole Machining Technology and New Breaking Through in 20th Century & Introduction of SIED Deep Hole Machining Integrated Technology

  2. 论文从多元化战略理论出发,根据房地产业的特点,以CJ公司的兴衰为事实,说明多元化战略理论在行业实践中运用的必要性,以及正确运用这一理论的重要性。

    Proceeding from the diversified strategy theory , according to the characteristic of the real estate , regarding the rise and decline of CJ Company as a fact , the thesis proves the necessity and importance of diversified theory in trade practice .

  3. 她一直关注着里夫斯家族的兴衰。

    She kept up with the fortunes of the Reeves family

  4. 葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴衰的大帝国。

    Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned .

  5. 该机构经历过兴衰沉浮。

    The organisation has had its ups and downs .

  6. 美国的兴衰并非不可抗力作用的结果。

    The rise or decline of the United States is not a function of deterministic forces .

  7. 他写了一篇关于俄克拉荷马州一家地方银行兴衰的精彩传奇故事。

    He wrote a brilliant saga of the rise and collapse of a bank in Oklahoma .

  8. 企业兴衰主要在经营管理。

    The uprising or downfalling of an enterprise lies in its management or administration .

  9. 这个城市经历了多次兴衰。

    The city has been through many vicissitudes .

  10. 从PHS在日本的兴衰看其应用定位

    Analyse PHS 's Application Location from Its Development

  11. 第二部分则简略介绍了BH摩托车公司的兴衰历程:企业早期的背景及产生历史;

    The second part briefly introduced the history of this company , including its growth and decline .

  12. 这本著作《大国的兴衰》(TheRiseAndFallOfTheGreatPowers)预言了美国的衰落、中国的崛起和日本的灿烂未来,对于这些动荡的岁月而言,这似乎是个显而易见的问题。

    Since the book in question - The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers - predicted the decline of the US , the rise of China and a glorious future for Japan , it seems an obvious question for these troubled times .

  13. 传统工笔人物画兴衰的文化语境解读

    The Culture Linguistic Context of the Traditional Brush Stroke Figural Painting

  14. 我国近代丝绸业的兴衰

    The Ups and Downs of Chinese Silk Industry in Modern Times

  15. 这本小说反映了城市的兴衰。

    The novel mirrors the ups and downs of the city .

  16. 民族团结关乎着社会稳定与国家兴衰。

    Ethnic unity education concerns social stability and country promote decline .

  17. 这说明产业兴衰问题应该成为产业经济学研究的重要问题。

    This Indicate industrial blossom-decline should be probe thorough in industrial economics .

  18. 技术创新的生命周期决定着产业的兴衰与更替;

    Lifecycle of technical innovation decides industrial flourish and decay .

  19. 中国人物画兴衰漫谈

    On the Rise and Fall of Traditional Chinese Figure Painting

  20. 墨西哥革命制度党的历史兴衰

    The Rise and Fall of the Mexican Institutional Revolutionary Party

  21. 讼学的兴衰皆有其深刻的历史根源。

    Both of the rise and decline have its profound historical roots .

  22. 多少帝国兴衰事,全在时光流逝中。

    In the course of time many empires have risen and fallen .

  23. 山西大学堂与壬寅大学堂的兴衰

    The Rise & Fall of Shanxi Grand University and Other Renyin Universities

  24. 对城市文明兴衰与发展的思考;

    Thinking of the prosperity and decline and development of city cultures ;

  25. 黑手党王朝:甘比诺罪恶家族的兴衰

    Mafia Dynasty : the Rise and Fall of the Gambino Crime Family

  26. 北太平洋地区沙尘沉降与海洋生物兴衰的关系

    The relationship between continental dust and marine phytoplankton in the North Pacific

  27. 很多兴衰已经标明中印关系的历史。

    Many ups and downs have marked the history of Sino-Indian relations .

  28. 清末长沙数学学派的兴衰及其活动概述

    Rise and fall of Changsha Mathematics School of Thought and its activity

  29. 经济与文化互动是徽商兴衰的一个重要启示。

    Interaction between economy and culture was an important inspiration from it .

  30. 牛镇的兴衰是美国西部史的重要篇章。

    The cattle town added an important chapter to the American history .