
  1. 美国肺脏协会(AmericanLungAssociation)东北地区负责人JeffSeyler表示,我们感到很兴庆,纽约市市民将不再受可能不安全的二手电子烟排放物的危害。

    ' We 're grateful that New Yorkers will not be exposed to potentially unsafe secondhand emissions from electronic cigarettes , ' said Jeff Seyler , head of the American Lung Association in the Northeast , in a statement .

  2. 我们去兴庆公园划船好不好呀?

    Shall we go boating in Xingqing Park ?

  3. 以后,兴庆府、灵州一带,一直是西夏粮食生产的主要基地。

    Afterwards , the areas of Xingqing and Lingzhou became the main bases for grain production .

  4. 而且不是一家酒店是两个!我真的太兴庆我离开了大陆。

    And that not just happened in one restaurant but in2.Was glad to leave the place .

  5. 顺便说一声,我来是告诉你我们这个星期天要去兴庆公园野炊。

    By the way , I came to tell you that we 'll have a picnic at Xingqing park this sunday .

  6. 看到兴庆区星光华社区服务设施一应俱全,各项活动开展得有声有色,代表团感到很满意。

    Saw the Xingqing District star brilliance community services facility has it all , each activity develops dramatically , the delegation felt that is very satisfied .

  7. 以西安市兴庆湖为研究对象,实验研究冬季水平潜流人工湿地对城市湖泊水体的净化效果。

    Taking Xingqing lake in Xi'an as study object , the paper studied the purification efficiency of urban lakes in winter by horizontal subsurface flow wetland .

  8. 城市化进程中的回族社区&以银川市兴庆区红花乡北塔村为例

    Hui People 's Community in the Process of Urbanization & An Example of Bei Ta Village of Hong Hua Township in Xing Qing District of Yinchuan City

  9. 通过对园林绿化中植物配置原则的分析,探讨了西安兴庆宫公园的园林植物配置艺术。

    Based on the analysis of the principles of landscape plant configuration , the plants artistic configuration in the Xi an Xingqing imperial palace park was further discussed .

  10. 基于科技论文发表量的中国城市知识创新分布研究略论西夏兴庆府城规划布局对中原风水文化的继承和发展

    Study on Distribution of Knowledge Innovation-Based on the Quantity of Scientific Papers Published ; Study on the City Planning of the Capital in Xixia Dynasty from Geomantic Perspective

  11. 对西安东郊咸宁路与兴庆路交汇处的一座高层住宅楼不同基础型式的安全性进行了分析,并利用综合经济效益的方法,对基础的经济性进行了对比。

    This paper analyzes the safety of the different foundations of high-rise building in east of Xi'an , and distinguishes the economy of the foundations using the general economic benefit progress .

  12. 宁夏银川兴庆区商业步行街发展建设今天,沃尔玛在嘉兴市举行隆重了开业庆典仪式,庆祝沃尔玛购物广场嘉兴洪兴路分店隆重开业。

    A research on the development and construction of commercial pedestrian streets of Yinchuan city Today , Wal-Mart celebrated the grand opening of its first store in Jiaxing , Zhejiang Province .

  13. 实验参照排入西安市兴庆湖的混合污水水质,测定了化学需氧量、总氮、总磷、氨氮的去除率,并分析了季节变化对净化效果的影响。

    Referring the sewage quality that inlet to the lake , the removal rate of COD , TN , TP , NH3-N was determined and the seasonal alternation effect on purifying was analyzed .

  14. 西夏是中国历史上以党项族为主体建立的王朝,建都兴庆府(今宁夏银川),开国皇帝为夏景宗李元昊。

    Founded by Li Yuanhao , known as Emperor Jingzong , the Western Xia was a dynasty of the Dangxiang people , with its capital in the Xingqing Prefecture ( now Yinchuan in Ningxia ) .

  15. 随后,李元昊实行变发式、定服饰、造文字、简礼仪、立官制等一系列改革,并升兴州为兴庆府,扩建宫城,准备建国称帝。

    Li Yuanhao then carried out a series of reform , including changing the hairstyle , the dress code , creating a written language , simplifying ceremonies and setting up an administrative system . At the same time , he made Xingzhou the Xingqing Prefecture , enlarged his palace and made preparations for declaring himself emperor .