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  1. 她确实把它拿回了家,放在了一个罐子模样的东西里。

    She 'd actually taken it home and she put it in this jar thing

  2. Edie,我在我姐姐的东西里找到这个。

    Edie , I found this in my sister 's things .

  3. 路易莎:我跌进了一滩又湿又粘的东西里去了。

    Louisa : I just fell into something wet and sticky .

  4. 哦,我们美国人往任何东西里都加冰。

    Chris Hudson Oh , we Americans put ice in everything !

  5. 秘密一定就隐藏在看似无关紧要或奇怪的东西里

    the secret will reside in something seemingly insignificant or bizarre .

  6. 似乎我描绘的东西里都隐含着罪恶。

    It 's like I painted the crime right into it .

  7. 我应该在你们读的东西里提到过。

    I think I mention that in what you read .

  8. 你说的东西里没有,关于你的伦理信念的文章。

    There is nothing you convey is your articles of ethical faith .

  9. 还能从卖出的所有东西里搜集更丰富的数据

    very rich data for everything that they 're selling ,

  10. 这样弄出的面粉就可以搅拌在浆糊和煮的东西里了。

    The resulting flour could then be into a dough and cooked .

  11. 你真的打算把你冻在这些东西里?

    You 're proposing actually freezing yourself in one of those things ?

  12. 我在父母的东西里找到的。

    I found this dash away in my parents belongings .

  13. 看起来她吃的东西里没有毒。

    Doesn 't look like anything was in her food .

  14. 雷我卷入了一些我不能理解的东西里。

    Leigh , I 'm into something here that I cannot understand .

  15. 我们在寻求的东西里有没有更有价值、更持久的东西?

    Is there something more valuable , more lasting that we are seeking ?

  16. 如此沉醉在这被我们称为爱情的东西里。

    So crazy in this thing we call love .

  17. 约定的时间肯定在以前收到的东西里。

    Specific time must 've been set before in something they received earlier .

  18. 这些东西里有圣诞树,花儿,蜡烛和玩具。

    Among the goods are Christmas trees , flowers , candles and toys .

  19. 这些东西里都不能使他成为一位伟大的球员。

    None of this made him a great player .

  20. 她正试图从那堆乱糟糟的东西里找出些有用之物。

    She was trying to comb some useful things out of the tangle .

  21. 你怎么在这么多东西里找到自己要用的?

    How do you find anything in this mess ?

  22. 你到底在什么东西里啊?

    What the hell you got yourself into ?

  23. 她把针刺进正在缝纫的东西里。

    She dug her needle into her sewing .

  24. 我妹妹有那些东西里的一种。

    My sister has one of those .

  25. 其二是我将在看似没有多少人性的东西里注入一些。

    The other is to find humanity in things that are often not regarded as such .

  26. 这是他送我的东西里唯一不会损坏到我生育能力的东西。

    It 's the only thing he ever gave me that didn 't threaten my reproductive health .

  27. 他们会把我带到一家酒店和市场,然后从我购买的东西里得到回扣。

    They 'd lead me to a hotel and market and get a cut of my purchases .

  28. “请出示证明文书”,他喊道。我连忙手忙脚乱地在我的东西里找我的档案馆通行证。

    " Documents ," he called out , and I fumbled through my things for my archival pass .

  29. “有些人会从他们不理解的东西里发现危险。而我只发觉了一个将要面临的挑战。”

    " Some people find danger in things they don 't understand . I just find a challenge . "

  30. 你能确保布里特尼吃的东西里没有大蒜或大豆制品吗?

    Can you make sure there are no garlic or soy products in anything Brittany puts near her mouth ?