
  • 网络cyclonic wave;Cyclone waves;wave cyclone
  1. 一次梅雨锋气旋波雷暴天气生成的剖析

    Analysis of the thunderstorm formation on a Mei-yu Front cyclonic wave

  2. 西太平洋气旋波移入南海促使南海低压生成。

    The cyclonic waves coming from the Western Pacific promote the generation of the lows over the South China Sea .

  3. 从天气形势出发,结合物理量场、卫星云图和雷达回波等演变特征,分析洞庭湖附近生成的两个气旋波东移过程中在九江地区引起的强对流、暴雨天气。

    Starting with weather situation and combining it to the evolution feature of physical variables fields , satellite cloud pictures and Radar echoes , we analyse the weather of severe convection and torrential rain caused by the two eastward cyclonic waves developed near Dongting Lake .

  4. 在通常的热带气旋内惯性重力波由中心向外传播的情况下,当层结稳定度和惯性稳定度参数随着离中心的距离增加而增加时,热带气旋尺度增加,它可以称为热带气旋膨胀;

    In general case the angular frequencies of inertio-gravity waves are positive , thus provided that the both stratification and inertia are stable , when the parameters of inertial and static stabilities increase with the increasing distance from centre the size is increased ;