
  • 网络Meteorology;meteorological science;Climate Science
  1. 我国气象科学数据发布策略初步研究

    Preliminary research on Strategies of issuing meteorological science data in China

  2. 运动医学与气象科学的联系及其边缘研究

    The Relations Between Sports Medicine and Meteorological Science and Their Borderline Study

  3. GRAPES(globalandregionalassimilationandpredictionsystem)是由中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室自主研究开发的中国新一代数值天气预报系统,其目标是科研/业务通用。

    GRAPES ( global and regional assimilation and prediction system ) is a new generation of numerical weather prediction ( NWP ) system of China .

  4. 本文在中国气象科学研究院简化混合相云物理方案的基础上,研制和改进了GRAPES短期区域气候模式中的云降水物理显式方案。

    Based on the cloud scheme of Chinese Academy Meteorological Sciences ( CAMS ), an explicit cloud scheme of GRAPES regional model is developed .

  5. 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室、JICA计划执行专家组。

    Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather and JICA Project Executive Panel .

  6. 利用1980~2006年《气象科学》的若干项资料数据进行统计和分析,清晰地看到了《气象科学》的发展历程,尤其是近10a来发生的显著变化。

    Statistics and analyses on some kinds of data for SMS ( Scienta Meteorological Sinica ) from 1980 to 2006 clearly reveal its evolution process and remarkable change , especially in recent ten years .

  7. 同时还得到,GAME再分析资料优于NCEP再分析资料的主要原因是GAME的资料同化系统中加入了包括HUBEX等气象科学试验的探空加密观测资料。

    Meanwhile , the main cause that the GAME reanalysis data is better than the NCEP reanalysis data tends to be the GAME reanalysis data including the sonde intensive observation of the GAME but not to be the different assimilation modes of the two reanalysis data .

  8. 选取桂东北中部桂林站50a气温观测资料,分析出水稻春、秋冷害的变化概况、变化趋势及变化周期特征。为趋利避害、防灾减灾和农业的增产丰收提供气象科学依据。

    The 50 years ' temperature information of Guilin Meteorology station is selected to ana - lyze the general changing situation , changing trend and the periodic characteristics of spring and cold damage to paddy with a view to provide meteorological scientific basis for preventing damage and increasing production .

  9. 介绍了浙江省气象科学研究所自行设计和研制的NOAA&AVHRR卫星资料处理业务系统(简称INPAIS)的设计思路、总体结构及主要技术特点,重点介绍了系统软件的构成及其主要的功能模块。

    In this paper , the design method , structure and technical feature of INPAIS ( Image of NOAA & AVHRR Processing and Applying Information System ) are presented for the software design and the system function in detail .

  10. 中国气象科学研究院人工影响天气研究进展回顾

    Review of Weather Modification Research in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

  11. 中尺度气象学研究与中国气象科学研究院

    Researches on Meso-scale Meteorology in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

  12. 甘肃省气象科学数据共享平台及其应用研究

    Study on Gansu Meteorological Scientific Data Sharing Platform and Application

  13. 元数据技术在河南省气象科学数据共享服务中的应用

    Application of Metadata in Meteorological Data Sharing Services of Henan

  14. 模糊数学在气象科学中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Set to Meteorological Science

  15. 季风作为气象科学的一个重要课题,许多人都作了大量研究。

    The monsoon is an important topic in the scientific research of the atmosphere .

  16. 2005年中国气象科学研究院获得科技奖

    Scientific Prizes Gained in 2005 in CAMS

  17. 气象科学在国民经济中的地位

    Status of Meteorological science in national economy

  18. 中国气象科学研究院雷达气象研究50年

    An Overview on Radar Meteorology Research in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences for a Half Century

  19. 国外中小学气象科学教育

    Weather Science Education at Abroad School

  20. 在农业科学、水文科学和气象科学等领域中,土壤含水量是一个十分重要的指标。

    Soil water content is a crucial important parameter in agricultural , hydrological and meteorological science .

  21. 气象科学是具可持续发展潜力的一门科学。

    Meteorological science is one kind of sciences with sustainable development potential and expands along with national economy .

  22. 气候统计诊断与预测方法研究进展&纪念中国气象科学研究院成立50周年

    Progresses on Climatological Statistical Diagnosis and Prediction Methods & In Commemoration of the 50 Anniversaries of CAMS Establishment

  23. 中国气象科学研究院博士后科研工作站

    CAMS Post-Doctoral Research Station

  24. 博士后工作的认识与实践中国气象科学研究院博士后与研究生教育

    Understanding of and Practice in Post - Doctoral Work Post - Doctoral Research and Graduate Education in CAMS

  25. 因此,气象科学和气象预报成为现代人类生活首位依赖的信息。

    Therefore , meteorology and weather forecast have become the first information that modern human life depends on .

  26. 如何探测风场的结构,一直是气象科学的一个重要研究方向。

    How to detect the structure of the wind field has always been one of the important scientific research .

  27. 近50年来,中尺度气象学研究一直是中国气象科学研究院的首要课题。

    Meso-scale meteorology has been the primary research area of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences for the recent 50 years .

  28. 近30年大气化学和大气环境研究回顾&纪念中国气象科学研究院成立50周年

    Review of Atmospheric Chemistry and Environment Research Work in Recent 30 Years & In Commemoration of the 50 Anniversaries of CAMS Establishment

  29. 气象科学和技术已发展到可在全球范围内监测大气特性。

    Meteorological science and technology have grown to the extent that behaviors of the atmosphere could be monitored on a global basis .

  30. 早在1963年,中国气象科学研究院就开始参与主持国内首次长江三角洲地区中尺度气象学试验。

    As early as in1963 , Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences is already a dominant participator of the first Yangtze Area Delta Mesoscale Meteorology Field Experiment .