
chòu qì xūn tiān
  • reek to high heaven;A bad smell befouls the atmosphere
臭气熏天[chòu qì xūn tiān]
  1. 烧焦的橡胶臭气熏天。

    The stench of burning rubber was overpowering .

  2. 臭气熏天。

    The smell was quite foul .

  3. 何不就把这臭气熏天的车当家算了,

    Why can 't we just live in the smelly car .

  4. 把那臭鱼扔了吧,臭气熏天的!

    Throw that decayed fish away , it stinks to high heaven !

  5. 窗户关得严严的,房间里臭气熏天。

    The window was closed and the stink was overpowering .

  6. 是臭气熏天,还是静音又节水?

    Does it reek or sit there quietly conserving water ?

  7. 工作场所的气味包括员工吃了臭气熏天的食物产生的气味。

    Smells in the workplace include employees eating stinky food .

  8. 又不是没有旅馆,你这个臭气熏天的乞丐。

    This ain 't no hotel , you stinking bum .

  9. 在排队的时候不得不闻臭气熏天的屁股?

    Having to smell assevery time you stand in line ?

  10. 曾经我们取水而饮的清澈河流,现在却被臭气熏天的有毒废料占据。

    Where there waswater to drink , is toxic waste that stinks .

  11. 曾经芳香怡人的地方现在是臭气熏天。

    The once sweet smelling area now smelled horrible .

  12. 工厂的污水使这个湖臭气熏天。

    Factory waste has smelled up the lake .

  13. 事实上我们的脚下什么都没有只有臭气熏天的无底深渊

    There 's literally nothing beneath us except an infinite abyss that smells like dirty underwear

  14. 他们生活在臭气熏天的污浊环境中。

    They live amid reek and squalor .

  15. 那里没有卫生设施——地板上都是臭气熏天的牛粪。

    There were no sanitary accommodations -- the floors were covered with fresh cow dung .

  16. 因为它,人们过上亲密的群居生活的同时,不至于把城市搞得臭气熏天、疾病泛滥。

    They allow us to live close together without cities turning into smelly , disease-spreading swamps .

  17. 为什么衬衫的臭气熏天不同于腋下狐臭更令人不愉快?

    why do stinky shirts smell so unpleasantly different from the body odor in the armpits themselves ?

  18. 你跟牛马苦役作伴,只配住在肮脏的臭气熏天的环境里。

    You belong with the oxen and the drudges , in dirty surroundings among smells and stenches .

  19. 没有人想看着你的科研项目绽放“霉菌”,也没人想看到它们把整个公共空间搞得臭气熏天。

    Nobody wants to watch your science projects blossom mold or begin to stink up the communal space .

  20. 你上次是什么时候打扫狗窝的?现在可是臭气熏天了。

    When was the last time you cleaned out the dog kennel ? It sticks to high heaven .

  21. 你把这地方弄得臭气熏天。这种幽雅的地方不是你呆的。

    You 're stinking the place out , You don 's belong in a nice place like this .

  22. 尽管臭气熏天,一些人还是放下工作或者逃课来拍摄这具巨大的鲸鱼腐尸。

    Despite an overpowering stench , some people skipped work or school to snap photos with the towering carcass .

  23. 而你什麽事都不会有,可以回到你那臭气熏天的小公寓,和这对精神病夫妻一起破案

    You would be exonerated and restored to your smelly little apartment to solve crimes with Mr and Mrs Psychopath .

  24. 有的地方还在打仗,炮声隆隆,城市起火,士兵们在臭气熏天的医院里缓缓地溃烂和死亡。

    Somewhere there was a war and cannon booming and burning towns and men who rotted in hospitals amid sickening-sweet stinks .

  25. 房门左边有一块发黑的地板,上面放着一个臭气熏天的木桶。

    By the door to the right there was a dark spot on the floor on which stood a stinking tub .

  26. 我也能第一个闻到某些臭气熏天的东西,像一块没有换过的婴儿尿布。

    I 'm also the first person to know when something smelly is around , like a baby with unchanged diaper .

  27. 这鱼肯定有一个星期了,已是臭气熏天了。有什么东西使邻近的房子全都臭气熏天。

    The fish must be a week old . It smells to high heaven . Something is smelling up the whole neighborhood .

  28. 这保证了这些死水看上去很像放射性的泥,同时臭气熏天。

    This ensures the stagnant waters never look like anything other than radioactive slime . It also ensures they stink to high heaven .

  29. 在这段时间里,大家瞒着老师,叽叽喳喳地交换护身符、驱邪物及其他保护自己的玩艺儿。这种做法很快就风靡学校,纳威隆巴顿买了一只臭气熏天的大洋葱、

    Meanwhile , hidden from the teachers , a roaring trade in talismans , amulets , and other protective devices was sweeping the school .

  30. 我没法估计时间,我是躺在船中的一个洞穴里的.在这臭气熏天的洞穴里,白天和黑夜没有什么区别。

    I had no measure of time , day and night were alike in that ill-smelling cavern of the ship 's bowels where I lay .