
tú yā
  • Graffiti;doodle;scrawl;poor handwriting;scribblings or drawings;chicken tracks
涂鸦 [tú yā]
  • [poor handwriting;scribblings or drawings;chicken tracks;scrawl] 比喻书法拙劣或胡乱写作(多用做谦辞)

  • 尚欲勉强涂鸦,以求指教。--《镜花缘》

涂鸦[tú yā]
  1. 一边打电话,一边信手涂鸦;

    Scrawl when giving someone a call .

  2. 请同学自觉遵守学校规章制度,不要在教室内或教室外任何地方涂鸦。

    Students must keep the school rules and regulations consciously and must not scrawl on anything inside and outside the classroom .

  3. 瞧瞧所有的那些涂鸦——又是那些孩子干的好事。

    Look at all that graffiti ─ those kids have been at it again .

  4. 新老建筑上都有密密麻麻的涂鸦。

    Buildings old and new are thickly covered with graffiti

  5. 这个维护方案还会试图保护这些地点不被涂鸦。

    The maintenance programme will additionally seek to keep the sites free of graffiti .

  6. 没有损害公共财物的行为,也没有涂鸦和随处丢弃的垃圾。

    There 's no vandalism , no graffiti , no rubbish left lying about .

  7. 他们都是在一起涂鸦时互相熟识的。

    They all bonded while writing graffiti together

  8. 大部分孩子成长的时候都被教导他们不能在墙上涂鸦。

    Most kids grow up learning they cannot draw on the walls .

  9. 进去之后,我们发现其实这就是一所废弃了的农舍,空空的屋子(除了那些机器和甘草),踩上去咯吱咯吱的地板,一堆一堆潮湿的墙皮脱落下来,满地的啤酒瓶、烟蒂,还有墙上的涂鸦。

    What we found there was the typical old falling-apart farmhouse . Empty rooms ( except for the equipment and such ) , creaky floorboards , and piles of wet shattered plaster , beer bottles , graffiti , and cigarette butts10 .

  10. 你好,我的名字是G,我来自涂鸦王国。

    Hi there , my name is G from the Graffiti Kings .

  11. 位于伦敦的SHOK-1展示了关于流行文化的巨幅X光片的涂鸦。

    London-based SHOK-1 paints giant X-rays of pop culture icons .

  12. 这是熟悉的发布到用户涂鸦墙的Web页面,与Facebook提供的一样。

    This is the familiar Web page for posting to the user 's wall as served by Facebook .

  13. 如果我打断她热情洋溢的涂鸦,向她介绍我从《101年艺术史》(ArtHistory101)一书中了解到的一件作品,对她将是干扰,而非提升。

    Interrupting her impassioned doodles to point out a work I 'd studied in Art History 101 was more often a distraction than an enhancement .

  14. 他经常使用“狂野风格”(wildstyle)的涂鸦手法,加上细致的美学原素和复杂的层次来制作出令人着迷的作品,令其作品超越了一般的涂鸦艺术。

    He often employs'wild style'graffiti with delicate aesthetic elements and complex layering to create mesmerising artworks that transcend the ordinary graffiti form .

  15. 不过这种假设也许也有一定的道理,目前绝大多数维基涂鸦者使用的都是临时ID名。

    That may be a safe assumption-the overwhelming majority of vandalism to Wikipedia comes from shadowy sources .

  16. Google在使用涂鸦来纪念重大事件,周年日的时候,通常会比较明确地表明出来。但这次,谷歌第一次用多个科幻神秘元素来纪念一个日子,而没有明确说明。

    Although Google regularly uses its doodles to mark significant events , anniversaries and notable dates , it usually does so explicitly .

  17. 在此期间,我将很高兴地使用Pencil手写笔在Paper应用中涂鸦,并希望能够从为自己的博客文章画插图开始。

    In the meantime , I will happily use Pencil to doodle in Paper , and hopefully start using it to make drawings for my blog posts .

  18. 同一年,Facebook的“涂鸦墙”也同时亮相,目前已近成为社交网络的主流。

    The facebook " wall , " now a staple of the social network , also makes its debut .

  19. 而比尔•盖茨(BillGates)的涂鸦是一系列散落的盒子&暗示出一种更为意外无序的思维过程。

    Bill Gates ' doodles , on the other hand , were a series of loosely connected boxes - implying a more unexpected , disorderly thought process .

  20. 谷歌涂鸦的团队一直以设计特殊的谷歌标志来纪念那些有意义的日子,如RoseParker的生日,感恩节,圣诞节。

    Those have found google logo designs that google uses to commemorate note worthy days like Rose Parker 's birthday , or Thanksgiving , or Christmas .

  21. 如果我错过了这些创作中的一个,请务必提醒我,但是在你做这件事之前,确定我已经把他们归为“3D涂鸦艺术”中间。

    If I missed any of his creations , be sure to notify me , but before you do this , check if I already posted them to the " 3D Sidewalk Art " category .

  22. BillLondon被誉为英国最富技术的涂鸦艺术家之一。其作品深受建筑学的线条、大胆的色彩、传统的纹身及东方艺术的影响。

    Considered as one of UK 's most skilled graffiti artists , Bill London 's works are influenced by an eclectic mix of architectural line , bold colour , traditional tattoo and oriental art .

  23. 五年前,餐厅老板吴成英(音译)和丈夫黄贵平(音译)把餐厅搬到了西北方向的CollegePoint。在那里,它最近的对手是街对面一个画满涂鸦、提供炒杂碎和炒面外卖的店面。

    Five years ago , Cheng Ying Wu and her husband , Gui Ping Huang , the owners , moved it northwest to College Point , where its nearest rival is a graffiti-scrawled storefront across the street selling takeout chop suey and chow mein .

  24. 实验证明此算法对常见的信号处理(如噪声、滤波)与JPEG压缩后,水印仍然可以被提取出来,而对违章图像进行剪切和涂鸦处理后能明显的辨别出是否被篡改过。

    After experimental proof of a common signal processing ( such as noise , filtering ) and JPEG compression , the watermark can still be extracted .

  25. 他过着双重生活,白天在上西区的德怀特私立学校(DwightSchool)上课,晚上滑着滑板,在市中心涂鸦或聚会。

    He lived on two tracks , spending days at the private Dwight School on the Upper West Side , and nights on a skateboard , scrawling graffiti and partying downtown .

  26. 虽然3D打印机对我们来说依然太贵,不过融资平台Kickstarter正打算投资一种便宜的替代品&一种可以画出3D结构的涂鸦笔。

    While 3D printers are still too expensive for most of us , a kickstarter project is hoping to fund a cheaper alterative - a pen capable of drawing 3D structures .

  27. Cept于一九八六年开始探索涂鸦艺术,其作品在伦敦东部的街头出现频繁。

    With pieces appearing extensively on the streets of East London , Cept began exploring graffiti in1986 .

  28. iOS9为笔记应用添加了一些新功能,包括绘画涂鸦、添加照片地图等,进一步向其他互联网笔记应用靠拢。

    The Notes app is getting a big makeover in iOS 9 , letting you draw sketches , drop in photos , maps and links and add items from other apps .

  29. Budsies公司的创建者AlexFurmansky说,他是在看到妹妹的涂鸦从冰箱和厨房墙壁上被撕下放进盒子里,最后被扔掉后才有了这个根据涂鸦制作玩具的想法的。

    Budsies founder Alex Furmansky said he wasinspired to create toys from doodles after watching his younger sister 's drawings go from the fridge and kitchen walls to a box and then eventually be thrown away .

  30. Amass餐室的水泥墙上涂鸦遍布,似乎昭示着餐厅大厨马特·奥兰多(MattOrlando)不会完全拘泥于传统的北欧料理。

    Graffiti runs along a concrete wall in Amass 's dining room , a clue that the chef , Matt Orlando , does not adhere entirely to the Nordic playbook .