
chòu yǎng lǎo huà
  • ozone aging
臭氧老化[chòu yǎng lǎo huà]
  1. 臭氧老化作用对SY-1硅橡胶机械性能的影响

    The effect of ozone aging on the physical properties of SY-1 silicon elastomer

  2. 目的初步研究纳米CeO2(纳米二氧化铈)对SY-1硅橡胶臭氧老化性能的影响及纳米CeO2的最适加入量,并探讨其机制。

    Objective : To study the effect of nanometre CeO_2 on the ozone aging properties of SY-1 silicone elastomer .

  3. 硫化胶的力学性能类似于BR,但抗湿滑性能突出,生热特别低,耐热氧、臭氧老化性能良好。

    The wet skid resistance and heat aging resistance of 1,2-polybutadiene rubber are excellent , and the heat build-up is especially low , and the resistances to hot oxygen and ozone aging are good .

  4. 目的:评估臭氧老化作用对SY1硅橡胶物理性能、机械性能的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of ozone aging on the physical properties of SY 1 silicon elastomer .

  5. 目的:了解臭氧老化对内着色SY1硅橡胶色彩稳定性的影响,以便为选用适宜的硅橡胶着色颜料提供理论依据。

    Objective : To study the effects of ozone aging on the color stability of the SY-1 silicone elastomer .

  6. 结论:SY1硅橡胶在臭氧老化条件下,油画类颜料与无机盐类颜料色彩稳定性优于水粉颜料。

    Conclusion : Under the ozone aging condition , the SY-1 silicone elastomers stained with oil pigment and inorganic salt may have better color stability than that with gouache color .

  7. 结论纳米CeO2能够显著提高SY-1硅橡胶在断后伸长率、永久变形率及撕裂强度3个方面的耐臭氧老化性能。

    Conclusion : The nanometer CeO_2 at 1.5 % can improve the resistance to ozone aging of SY-1 silicone elastomer especially to the elongation at break ( % ), permanent deformation rate ( 3 minutes ) and the tear strength ( kN / m ) .

  8. 方法:按国家标准要求对SY1硅橡胶臭氧老化前后硬度(邵氏A)、扯断强度、扯断伸长率和撕裂强度进行测试,并进行统计学分析。

    Methods : 5 specimens of SY 1 silicon elastomer were prepared and their hardness ( Shore A ), tear strength , set after break , tensile strength and percentage elongation were tested and measured before and after ozone aging according to national standard .

  9. GB/T7762-1987硫化橡胶耐臭氧老化试验静态拉伸试验法

    " Rubber , vulcanized Resistance to ozone ageing Static strain test method "

  10. 高乙烯基聚丁二烯硫化胶的臭氧老化特性

    Ozone aging characteristics of high vinyl polybutadiene vulcanizates

  11. 末日意识两种氯丁硫化胶的臭氧老化

    Two CR Vulcanizates Resistance to Ozone Aging

  12. 提高丁苯橡胶耐臭氧老化性的探讨

    Probe into Improving Ozone Resistance of SBR

  13. 运用物理防护、化学抗氧的方法改善臭氧老化性能。

    The ozone resistance was improved by using the method of physical protecting and that of chemical antioxygen .

  14. 结果表明,粘土/SBR纳米复合材料的耐热氧老化和耐臭氧老化性能均优于炭黑/SBR复合材料;

    The results showed that both the heat oxygen aging property and the ozone aging property of clay / SBR nano-composite were superior to those of black / SBR composite ;

  15. 粘土/NR纳米复合材料的耐热氧老化性能略优于炭黑/NR复合材料,耐臭氧老化性能与炭黑/NR复合材料相差不大;

    The heat oxygen aging property of clay / NR nano-composite was somewhat better than that of black / NR composite , but their ozone aging properties were similar to each other ;

  16. 结果表明,这种三元共聚橡胶具有良好的性能,其耐寒性可与丁腈-18相媲美,耐油性比丁腈-18为佳,而耐臭氧老化性是丁腈橡胶所不能比拟的。

    The vulcanizates of the terpolymers have good properties in which low-temperature resistance is comparable to , while its oil resistance is superior to 18-nitrile , and its ozone resistance is much better than nitrile rubbers .

  17. 研究粘土/SBR及粘土/NR纳米复合材料的耐热氧老化和耐臭氧老化性能,并考察粘土/SBR纳米复合材料的热失重和气体阻隔性。

    The heat oxygen aging property and ozone aging property of clay / SBR and clay / NR nano-composites were studied , and the thermogravimetry and air isolation of clay / SBR nano-composite were also investigated .

  18. 研究结果表明,该胶料具有优异的耐臭氧、热氧老化和低温性能、良好的物理机械性能及尚可的耐油性。

    The studied result shown that the compound has excellent ozone resistance 、 thermal oxygen aging and lower temperature property 、 good physical and mechanical characteristics and passable oil resistance .