
chòu qì
  • stench;bad smell;fume;effluvia;off-odor;mephits;dysodia;off-flavour
臭气 [chòu qì]
  • [off-odor] 难闻的气味,与香气相对

  • 臭气熏天

臭气[chòu qì]
  1. 闻到臭气,他皱起了鼻子。

    He wrinkled up his nose at the bad smell .

  2. 死苍蝇使做香的膏油发出臭气。这样,一点愚昧,也能败坏智慧和尊荣。

    As dead flies give perfume a bad smell , so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor .

  3. 下水道散发着臭气。

    The drains smell .

  4. 烧焦的橡胶臭气熏天。

    The stench of burning rubber was overpowering .

  5. 臭气熏天。

    The smell was quite foul .

  6. 下水道发出的臭气让我觉得恶心。

    The bad odours from the sewer disgust me .

  7. 那个房间散发着难闻的臭气。

    The room has awful stink .

  8. 改进型生物滴滤塔处理H2S臭气的最适工艺条件研究

    The optimal operating conditions for H_2S removal in an improved bio-trickling reactor

  9. 填埋场中pH的变化对填埋臭气中氨气和挥发性脂肪酸气体的影响很大。当pH大于7时,臭气中以氨气为主,基本上不存在挥发性脂肪酸气体;

    The pH of landfill will affect the concentration of ammonia and volatile organic acid of the rotten gas of the landfill distinctly .

  10. 当pH小于7时,臭气中以挥发性脂肪酸为主,而氨气几乎不存在。

    When pH > 7 , NH3 was the main composition of the bad smelly gas and the volatile organic acids was hardly examined ;

  11. 利用脉冲流光电晕放电消除臭气硫化氢H2S。

    The pulsed streamer corona have been used to remove odor ( H2S ) .

  12. 所以,净化含H2S与NH3臭气已成为国民经济、环保领域中迫切需要解决的问题。

    Therefore , decreasing H_2S and NH_3 concentrations and their odor is in great demand in both environmental and economic aspects .

  13. 用空气循环净化的方法,可有效地减少空气中的细菌和霉菌,降低CO2浓度,消除臭气,可使手术室内空气的清洁度从Ⅲ级提高到Ⅱ级水平。

    The air purification method could reduce bacteria , fungi , CO2 concentration and odor in the air . It might increase the clean degree of the air from Degree HI to Degree ⅱ in the operation room .

  14. 该研究表明,改进型生物滴滤塔具有较高的H2S去除能力,最适工艺运行条件的确定对污水厂臭气和化工行业产生的H2S处理具有一定的指导意义。

    These data indicated that the an improved bio-trickling reactor had quite high capacity of H_2S removal , and the optimal operating conditions we found will give a significant guidance for the deodorization of H_2S in sewage plant or chemical industry .

  15. 采用一体化生物脱臭装置(IBOCD)净化污水泵站臭气结果表明,生物除臭具有投资省、运行管理简便、安全可靠等优点。

    A pilot scale integrative biological odor control device ( IBOCD ) was designed and sued for the odor control in sewage pumping station .

  16. 科学家必须分析哪些饮食造成至少粪便臭气。

    Scientists must analyze which diets cause the least fecal effluvia .

  17. 臭气处理用窄脉冲高压电源

    A Short Pulse High Voltage Power Supply For Odorous Gas Control

  18. 甚至还有一个名称的话,休止期臭气。

    There 's even a name for it , Telogen Effluvium .

  19. 只要丈夫口有臭气就够了。

    If the husband had bad breath , it was enough .

  20. 减少养猪业养分排泄和臭气产生的营养策略

    Nutritional strategies to reduce nutrient excretion and odor in pig operations

  21. 何不就把这臭气熏天的车当家算了,

    Why can 't we just live in the smelly car .

  22. 催化燃烧法处理炼油污水处理场臭气

    Catalytic Combustion Method Eliminate Odour Gas in Wastewater Treatment Field

  23. 生物滤池去除污水处理厂臭气的应用研究

    Using bio filter to remove odor of sewage treatment plant

  24. 把那臭鱼扔了吧,臭气熏天的!

    Throw that decayed fish away , it stinks to high heaven !

  25. 高效生物滴滤塔处理硫化氢臭气的试验研究

    Study on treatment of hydrogen sulfide odor by high efficiency bio-trickling filter

  26. 硫酸盐浆厂更加适宜的臭气处理工艺

    More Suitable Process for Dealing with the Malodorous Gases from Sulfate Cooking

  27. 从卫生间出来的臭气十分可怕。

    The stench coming from the toilets was quite unspeakable .

  28. 窗户关得严严的,房间里臭气熏天。

    The window was closed and the stink was overpowering .

  29. 鱼放三日有臭气,客住三天遭人嫌。

    After three days both fish and guests become offensive .

  30. 路上的垃圾箱散发出臭气。

    A terrible smell emanated from the garbage can on the road .