
  • 网络Black star;Dark Star
  1. 我有一些关于黑星的问题。

    And I have some questions on black star .

  2. 我们正在准备买进我们的主要竞争对手之一,黑星。

    We are looking to buy out one of our chief competitors , black star .

  3. 苹果黑星病菌SSR反应体系的优化

    The Optimization of the SSR Reaction System for Venturia inaequalis

  4. 将病菌的孢子形态与病菌的DNA序列结果相结合,从而鉴定出此三种植物真菌是黄瓜黑星病菌。

    The bacteria form spores and bacteria combine the results of DNA sequence , which identified three species of fungi , this is a cucumber scab pathogen .

  5. 测定了苹果黑星病菌接种秦冠、富士和嘎啦三个苹果品种后植株叶片内POD、SOD、PPO和PAL四种酶活性的变化。

    Changes of enzyme activity of POD , SOD , PPO and PAL of 3 different resistant cultivars that were inoculated with pathogens and water were determined in different time .

  6. 采用AFLP分子标记技术,利用筛选出的25对AFLP引物对来自我国陕西兴平和旬邑的46株苹果黑星病菌进行遗传多样性分析,构建了遗传聚类分析图。

    Using amplified fragment length polymorphism ( AFLP ) technique , we obtained 25 pairs of primers for study on genetic diversity of 46 isolates of V. inaequalis from Xingping and Xunyi in shaanxi province . Genetic clustering map was constructed based on these results .

  7. 陕西省苹果黑星病菌的致病力分化研究

    Studies on Pathogenicity Differentiation of Venturia inaequalis of Apple in Shaanxi

  8. 苹果黑星病菌中国菌株生物学特性研究

    Biological characteristics of Chinese strain of Venturia inaequalis

  9. 梨黑星菌接种体保存的研究

    Studies on the preserved pear scab inocula

  10. 今天,在东京、埃菲尔铁塔下、加纳的黑星广场上。

    Today in Tokyo , beneath the Eiffel Tower , in Ghana 's Black Star Square .

  11. 黄瓜黑星病菌致病机理的研究Ⅰ黄瓜黑星病菌致病毒素的分离和纯化


  12. “黑星闪耀”是加纳在近日南非世界杯期间的口号。

    " Shine on black stars " was the chant for Ghana during the recent World Cup in South Africa .

  13. 从18个菌株中选出3个致病力强弱不同的菌株对15个苹果黑星病菌供试寄主接种,对不同品种寄主进行抗病性鉴定和评价。

    Resistance of 15 tested hosts to apple scab was identified by means of inoculation with 3 isolates whose pathogenicity were different .

  14. 甾醇生物合成抑制剂粉锈宁对苹果黑星病菌发育的影响(英文)甾醇主要为穿贝海绵甾醇。

    Effects of ergosterol biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicide Triadimefon on the development of Venturia inaequalis on apple leaves the main component of sterol is clionasterol .

  15. 紫砂杯选用优质黑星砂,其中有多种矿物质和微量元素对人体具有保健作用。

    Violet arenaceous glass quality black star sand , which has a variety of minerals and trace elements in human body has health care function .

  16. 选用陕西省18个有代表性的苹果黑星病菌菌株分别接种秦冠、富士、嘎啦、红星和乔纳金等5个寄主品种进行致病力测定。

    Five apple cultivars were individually inoculated with 18 representative single spore isolates of Venturia inaequalis collected from main apple grown areas in Shaanxi province .

  17. 通过硅胶柱层析纯化黄瓜黑星病菌的粗毒素,根据洗脱顺序和洗脱液的种类将其分为4个洗脱组分。

    Four compositions of eluate were collected according to the elution sequence and the eluents during the purification of the crude toxin by silica gel column chromatography .

  18. 他不能动,他觉得两条腿已经不听他做主,而且耳朵里又是嗡嗡地叫。黑星又在他眼前乱跳。

    His legs no longer obeyed him , the buzzing in his ears came back again , and the black spots once more danced before his eyes .

  19. 因此,为了摸清陕西省苹果黑星病的发生危害特点和流行规律,本文就陕西苹果黑星病菌形态学特性、致病性分化以及寄主品种的抗病性进行了研究,取得了以下主要结果。

    Therefore , we carried on the researches on pathogen biological characters and resistant mechanism of apple to apple scab , the main results were obtained as follows .

  20. 本实验采用两种类型的诱导子外源处理黄瓜幼苗叶片,探讨了诱导子对提高黄瓜对黑星病菌抗病性的作用,并探讨了外源诱导子对植物次生代谢物的诱导生成的效果和机理。

    In this thesis , kinds of inducers were applied to cucumber seedlings , the effect and mechanism of the induction of plant secondary metabolites by inducers were explored .

  21. 黄瓜黑星菌二菌系(即甘肃菌系和沈阳菌系)分生孢子和菌丝生长的适温为20~22℃;

    The optimum temperature for mycelia growth and conidia germination of two strains ( Gansu strain and Shenyang strain ) of Cladosporium cucumerinum range from 20 to 22 ℃ .

  22. 他在上周五(亦是他的生日)发行了最后一张专辑《黑星》(Blackstar),专辑同一支爵士五重奏乐队合作,是典型的鲍伊风格,神秘而充满探索色彩。

    His last album , " Blackstar , " a collaboration with a jazz quintet that was typically enigmatic and exploratory , was released on Friday - on his birthday .

  23. 经自然感病和人工接种证明,大、小苹果上的黑星病菌可以交互侵染,目前一些主栽的大苹果品种均能感染此病。

    It has been proved by natural infection and artificial inoculation that cross infection appeared between larger and smaller apple trees . Some mainly cultivars of larger apple trees can be infected by this disease .

  24. 两只耳朵分得很开,脊梁凹。细长的头上有一颗黑星,脖子很长,膝骨非常突出,肋宽,肩斜,臀部壮大。

    Her ears were very wide apart , her saddle deep , a fine head marked with a black star , a very long neck , strongly articulated knees , prominent ribs , oblique shoulders and a powerful crupper .

  25. 天很黑,星很繁,夜阑人静。

    The sky was dark , stars were twinkling high above , night was reigning , and everything was sunk in silken silence .

  26. 鲍威于去世两天前发行全新专辑《黯黑秘星》,那天也是鲍威生日,鲍威与癌症进行了18个月抗争。

    Bowie , who had been suffering from cancer for 18 months , released his final album Backstar on his birthday , just two days before his death .

  27. 他的老朋友兼制作人托尼·维斯孔蒂称,鲍威将他的死也创作成了艺术,他几天前发布的新专辑《黑芒之星》就好似他送给世人的“告别礼物”。

    Long-time friend and producer Tony Visconti said he turned his death into a work of art , describing his new album " Blackstar , " released a few days ago , as " his parting gift . " BOWIE ON SCREEN