
  • 网络The Black Keys;Black Key
  1. 黑键乐队的鼓手PatrickCarney和他的叔叔RalphCarney共同打造了这部电视剧的主要主题。

    The Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney developed the series ' main theme with his uncle Ralph Carney .

  2. 除去年度最佳专辑,《上午时段》还击败U2、瑞安·亚当斯(RyanAdams)、汤姆·佩蒂(TomPetty)与“黑键”(BlackKeys)的专辑,获得年度最佳摇滚专辑奖。

    In addition to album of the year , " Morning Phase " took best rock album , beating releases by U2 , Ryan Adams , Tom Petty and the Black Keys .

  3. 它活力十足的氛围催生了“黑键”(BlackKeys)、“里昂国王”(KingsofLeon)、“杰夫兄弟”(JefftheBrotherhood)与“腹泻星球”(DiarrheaPlanet)等乐队,他们都不时在城市里演出。

    The city 's vibrant scene is home to the Black Keys , Kings of Leon , Jeff the Brotherhood and Diarrhea Planet , who all play in town occasionally .

  4. 白键代表快乐,黑键代表悲伤。

    The white keys represent happiness , while the black keys represent sadness .

  5. 但他只会弹奏黑键。

    But he could play only the black keys .

  6. 没有钢琴上的黑键所弹奏的半音。

    The sharps or flats that the piano 's black keys play are missing .

  7. 黑键是悲伤。

    Black keys are sad moments .

  8. 但当穿越生命之旅时,别忘了黑键也能演奏出音乐。

    But as you go through life 's journey , remember that the black keys make music too .

  9. 生活就像一架钢琴:白键是快乐,黑键是悲伤。

    Life is like a piano : white keys are happy moments and black keys are sad moments .

  10. 船长的指头于是又在风琴键盘上奔驰了,我看他只是按黑键,这使他弹出的和声主要是带苏格兰乐曲的特色。

    The captain 's fingers then ran over the instrument 's keyboard , and I noticed that he touched only its black keys , which gave his melodies a basically Scottish color .

  11. 蓝调摇滚是很多当代摇滚乐的前身,重金属和硬摇滚都源自于此,二十一世纪初,蓝调摇滚再次兴起,代表艺人包括约翰•梅尔和黑键乐团。

    As the root for several contemporary rock styles , such as heavy metal and hard rock , blues rock had a rebirth in the early 2000s , with artists including John Mayer and The Black Keys .

  12. 设计中运用的新型键盘电子乐器是这样的:它取消了键盘上的黑键,即每个8度音内只有7个琴键,这样大大减少了琴键的数量。

    IIn my design I use the new keyboard electronic instrument , which is as follows : it cancelled all black keys , that is , there are only 7 keyboards in every 8 range compass . This method reduces the number of keyboards sharply .