
  1. 汉代巴蜀画像砖是中国古代造型艺术的瑰宝,其研究价值也是不言而喻的。

    Brick of portrait in Han Dynasty Bashu district was the plastic arts treasure in ancient times in china , its research value was also self-evident .

  2. 中国古代绘画造型艺术的现代魅力

    The Modern Charm of Plastic Technique in Chinese Classical Painting

  3. 中国古代建筑造型艺术解析及其现实意义

    Analysis of formative arts of Chinese ancient architecture and the current significance

  4. 中西方古代装饰造型艺术的神似与形似

    Likeness in Spirit and Form and Ancient Chinese-Western Decorative Arts

  5. 我国古代陶器造型、装饰艺术研究

    Shaping and decorating art of national ancient ceramics research

  6. 语义规则驱动的中国古代建筑造型

    Semantic Rule - Driven Modeling for Chinese Ancient Architectures

  7. 古代玉器造型图案设计构成法

    Ancient Jadeware Modelling Constructive Approach of Pattern Design

  8. 文章分析了古代青铜器造型与纹饰演变的原因。

    This paper mainly analyzes the causes of the development of the moulding and veined pattern in Chinese ancient bronzes .

  9. 古代的模特造型,是一本杂志…

    Ancient time of modeling , is at a magazine , worked as ...

  10. 中国古代碗的造型发展研究

    Development Study to Chinese Antiquity Bowl 's Form

  11. 通过对中国古代版画的造型特征与表现语言的分析,指出古代版画所具有的文化特征与现实主义精神。

    After analyzing the modeling features and language expressed in ancient Chinese wood-print , the author of the paper points out that ancient wood-print contains both cultural characteristics and realism .

  12. 再从造型的美学功能和文化功能出发,总结提炼古代紫砂茶壶造型的特点和美学法则,并从中挖掘出有利于现代产品设计的造型元素和造型语言;

    From aesthetic function and cultural function of the models , it summarizes the characteristics and the aesthetic rules of ancient teapot models and excavates out the model elements and model languages which are favorable to modern product design .

  13. 希腊古代石材在建筑造型方面的应用

    Utilization of Stone on Architectural Moulding in Ancient Greece

  14. 中国古代绘画独特的造型语言、空间意识、审美境界,与古典音乐有着天然的内在联系。

    Ancient Chinese paintings , with unique modelling language , special awareness , aesthetic appreciation , are by nature closely related to classic music .

  15. 利用古代建筑元素的造型、风格,结合实例、文献资料分析元素在各个时代的造型艺术特色。

    The use of ancient architectural elements of the shape , style , with examples , documentation analysis elements of the plastic arts in various time characteristics .