
  1. 传统与现代&中国古琴艺术面临的挑战

    Traditions and Modernity : The Challenges to the Art of Guqin

  2. 古琴艺术作为中国古老的音乐形式,承载着圣贤哲人的人生哲学和艺术精神,流淌着中国传统文化的精神血脉和对人生态度的感悟。

    It bears the philosophy of life and the sprit of art , and embodies the great Chinese traditional culture farther .

  3. 天人合一既是中国传统文化的特色也是传统文化的追求,古琴艺术也不例外。

    Integration of nature and man is not only the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture but also the pursuit of traditional culture .

  4. 对它所形成和生存的文化生态的研究,能给我们当前的古琴艺术发展与非物质文化遗产保护提供借鉴。

    The study on the cultural ecology of the Guangling School of Guqin will be beneficial to the development of our current Guqin art and the protection of the intangible culture heritage .

  5. 古琴艺术作为中华民族历史悠久的传统文化艺术瑰宝,从先秦起历经三千多年历史传承延绵不绝,孕育古琴了强大的艺术生命力。

    Guqin art as the Chinese nation has a long cultural and artistic treasures from the pre Qin period , after three thousand years of historical continuity , gave birth to the powerful Guqin art vitality .

  6. 打谱中的天人观&古琴打谱艺术的哲学背景

    View of Nature and Human in Da Pu - the background of philosophy in the art of " Da Pu ( setting to the qin music )"

  7. 新中国成立后,古琴专业在各地音乐学院的相继出现为古琴艺术带来新的生机的同时也使琴乐的传统传习方式受到了深刻的影响。

    After the founding of new China , Guqin is offered as a major in many conservatories of music , which not only brings the vitality in the learning of this art , but also affects the traditional learning and teaching profoundly .