
  • 网络archaism;archaic word
  1. 山西阳泉方言中保留了丰富的古语词,为汉语史的研究提供一些活的语料。

    This paper collects some archaisms of Yangquan dialect and exemplifies their usage in a detail .

  2. 通过抽样统计可以看到,当前古语词在报纸语言中还占有相当大的比例,而报纸对古语词的误用,也使得古语词在发展过程中受到较大的影响。

    A thorough statistical analysis shows that with the high proportion of archaisms in newspaper language , the misuse has a great influence over their development .

  3. 阳泉方言中的古语词我国城市郊区管治探讨

    On Archaism in Yangquan Dialect On the Suburb Governance of China

  4. 山丹方言古语词例释

    Instances in illustration of the Archaic Words and Expressions in Shandan Dialect

  5. 梅县方言古语词研究

    Study on Archaic Words in Meixian Dialect

  6. 广西百色市田阳县平话保留了一些古语词的读音和意义。

    Some sounds and meanings of archaistic words remain in Tianyang Pinghua in Baise of Guangxi .

  7. 出身或地位低微的('base'在此意义上是古语词)。

    Of low birth or station ( ` base ' is archaic in this sense ) .

  8. 利用方言材料印证古语词是训释古代词语的一条重要途径,它对古代汉语词语的训释有十分重要的作用。

    An important way to explain the Ancient Chinese words is to utile dialect materials to verify .

  9. 对田阳平话中的古语词分名词、动词、形容词三类作一些简要的对照和考释。

    This paper gives a brief comparison and explanation in three groups : nouns , verbs and adjectives .

  10. 词汇方面,鉴赏文较多运用文艺语体词、古语词、成语和专门词语来再现原文情境。

    In vocabulary , the article of appreciation uses too many words of literary style , the ancient words , idioms and specialized terms to reproduce the original situation .

  11. 为了达到这样的目的,法律英语在词汇、句式和篇章等方面都有着自己的特征,如于其它文体不多见的古语词、屡见不鲜的长句以及众多的平行段落排列等。

    To achieve this , legal English has its own features in words , sentence patterns and bodies , for example , the usage of archaic words which are not usual in other styles , long sentences and parallel structures .