
  • 网络antiquarianism;Heritage Studies
  1. 江苏戏曲文物研究论纲

    On the Research of the Traditional Chinese Opera Antics in Jiangsu Province

  2. 拉曼光谱、植硅体和淀粉粒分析在纸质文物研究中的应用

    The Application of Raman Spectroscopy , Phytolith and Starch Analyses to Research of Paper-based Materials

  3. 加强文博事业的信息化建设,可以使博物馆更好地发挥陈列展示、市民教育与休闲、文物研究、对外交流四方面的功能。

    Museum can better perform a function of display , education , entertainment , relics research and foreign exchange .

  4. 中国文物研究所文物的开发利用

    CHINA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL PROPERTY Historical Research and Both the Exploitation and Utilization of Cultural Resourses of History

  5. 中国文物研究所时隔半个世纪之看的近日,重新恢复组建文物保护传统技术与工艺工作室。

    After half century , Chinese Institute of Cultural Relics rebuilt the Traditional Technology of Cultural Relics Protection and Craftworks Studio .

  6. 另外,为了支持专业文物研究人员的研究工作,还需要构造文物信息数据仓库。

    And for the purpose of the professional antique researchers , the antique information data warehouse is also needed to construct .

  7. 其次,批判了解决这一困境的四种传统方法:文物研究,存在历史主义,结构类型学,尼采式反历史主义;

    Secondly , he criticized the traditional four solutions to this dilemma : antiquarian study , existential historicism , structural typology , and Nietzschean anti-historicism ;

  8. 2000年2~11月,北京市文物研究所对石景山区老山地区的一座西汉贵族墓进行了发掘,出土一具人骨。大同北魏时期墓葬人骨的种族特征

    The Tomb excavated from February to November of 2000 yielded a human skeleton . The racial pattern of Human skeleton from the Bei-Wei Dynasty in Datong City , Shanxi province

  9. 江西省文物研究所所长徐长清,十一月五日表示,该古墓是汉代墓葬群最完整、保存最完好的墓群。

    Xu Changqing , director of Jiangxi provincial cultural relics research institute , said on November 5 that burials are the most complete and best preserved Han Dynasty tomb cluster ever discovered .

  10. AMT复合剂保护青铜文物的研究

    An Study on the Technique Protecting Bronze Relics with AMT

  11. 古代青铜文物保护研究现状及AMT的应用

    Bronze artifacts preservation and application of AMT

  12. 本文以河南音乐文物为研究对象。

    This thesis focuses on the musical relics found in Henan province .

  13. 青铜文物保护研究现状及发展趋势

    The Research Status quo and the Coming Development of Ancient Bronze Artifacts Protection

  14. 文物保护研究中的化学问题

    Chemistry Knowledge in the Study of Cultural Relics Protection

  15. 河南省文物考古研究所建所五十周年回眸

    Review of the 50-year Course of the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

  16. 云冈石窟砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物化学风化及相关文物病害研究

    Chemical weathering of carbonate cement in sandstone and the related cultural relic diseases in Yungang Grottoes

  17. 辽宁省文物考古研究所;沈阳市文物考古研究所;

    Liaoning Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Shenyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology .

  18. 为配合襄荆高速公路的建设,湖北省文物考古研究所于2000年对该遗址进行了试掘,试掘面积为130平方米。

    The Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology carried out a salvage test excavation of 130 sq.

  19. 长沙市文物考古研究所的相关负责人表示,目前所能看到的泥土层的瓷器大都产自近现代。

    The chiefs from Archaeological Institute of Changsha revealed that most of the chinawares unearthed belonged to modern times .

  20. 2004年下半年,四川省文物考古研究院等单位对这两处墓地进行了抢救性发掘。

    In lower 2004 , the relics and archaeology institute of Sichuan Province implemented a salvage excavation on the tombs .

  21. 本章主要主要选取唐代渭河三桥进行研究,以唐东渭桥的考古发现,出土文物进行研究。

    This chapter mainly selected Tang Wei River Third Bridge study found Tang Tung Wei River Bridge archaeological relics unearthed study .

  22. 2006年3~8月,安徽省文物考古研究所对遗址进行了抢救性的科学发掘。

    From March to August 2006 , the Anhui Province Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated the west part of the site .

  23. 开放的平台、创新的团队&中国科学院传统工艺与文物科技研究中心

    An Open Platform with an Innovative Team & Introduction to the Center of Scientific Studies on Cultural Heritage , Chinese Academy of Sciences

  24. 2004年7月,山东省文物考古研究所在临淄市大武村发掘了一座元代墓葬。

    In July 2004 , the Relics and Archaeology Institute of Shandong Province discovered a tomb of Yuan Dynasty at Dawu Village , Linzi City .

  25. 以长沙简牍博物馆所收藏的简牍文物为研究模型,提出了将虚拟现实技术与简牍文物展览相结合的新方法。

    Making the Jiandu relics from Changsha Jiandu museum as a model , presented a new method on exhibition of Jiandu relics combined with virtual reality technology .

  26. 2003年郑州市文物考古研究所与登封市文物局在登封市告成镇高村清理出一座宋墓,墓内壁画保存完好。

    A tomb of Song dynasty was excavated at Gao village in Gaocheng county of Dengfeng city in 2003 . The murals in the tomb was saved well .

  27. 2001年3月-2002年1月,由浙江省文物考古研究所和桐乡市文物管理委员会联合组成考古队,对新地里遗址进行了发掘。

    From March 2001 to January 2002 , the Relics and Archaeology Institution of Zhejiang Province co-conducted an excavation with the Cultural Relics Administration Committee of Tongxiang City .

  28. 报道了用有机成聚合物渗透加固保护砂岩文物的研究,目的是提高文物的机械强度,队止或减缓水的侵蚀。

    Fluorinated polymers were applied to sand stone heritage in order to increase its compressive strength and consolidation as well as to enhance its resistance to desegregation by water .

  29. 这项测试是由瓦伦西亚理工大学文物修复研究所以及先进食品微生物中心组成的团队所完成的。

    The team that completed the tests are from the Institute of Heritage Restoration and the Centre for Advanced Food Microbiology , both from the Polytechnic University of Valencia .

  30. 着重介绍了文物保护研究的化学原理和方法,并从文物保护、勘测、鉴定和考证等方面进行了论述。

    The chemical principles and methods in the study of preservation and protection of cultural relics are introduced in details , concerning the conservation , exploration survey , identification and textual research etc.