
  • 网络picture writing
  1. 中国绘画的源可以上溯到文字画。

    The " source " of Chinese drawing is conveyed through characters ' drawing .

  2. 爱画那种无聊的文字画。

    Does these stupid-ass word paintings .

  3. 设置宽度为1px,在文字中间画一些小的形状。

    Set the width of the line to1px and add a small shape between navigation text .

  4. 她20多岁时开始绘制带有昆虫的无文字花卉装饰画。

    She began in her 20s , making textless , decorative paintings of flowers with insects .

  5. 隐藏放大镜所在的层,并在文字层下面画个圆圈。

    Hide the search shape layer and create a circle below the text layer .

  6. 一张白纸,没有负担,好写最新最美的文字,好画最新最美的画图。

    On a blank sheet of paper free from mark , the freshest and most beautiful characters can be written , the freshest and most beautiful pictures can be painted .

  7. 同步配有音频、图片和视频等,表现手段多样有趣,将静态的(文字,挂画等)教材转变成生动的动态材料,扩大了教学视野和突破了教学难点。

    It uses a lot of means of expression and changes the static ( text , paintings , etc. ) materials into dynamic , vivid , visual materials to expand teaching vision and breakthrough teaching difficulty .

  8. 前面用少于五分钟的时间,列出问题大纲,把脑海中想到的所有方法变成文字;也可以画图表或者图片来帮助理清思路。

    In the first five minutes or less , outline the problem and as many solutions that come to mind in words . Drawing diagrams or pictures may help , too .

  9. 文字宣传中,为了形象化和易理解,在文字上加入美术画。

    In the literal propaganda , the vivid paintings were added to written material so that propaganda contents were comprehended easily .