
  • 网络cultural memory
  1. 文化记忆与印记则反映民间性与生活化。

    Cultural memory and mark will reflect folk and life .

  2. 敖包、文化记忆与游牧社会

    Obo 、 Cultural Memory and Pastoral Nomadic Society

  3. 胡同和弄堂&女性的都市文化记忆

    Small Lanes and Family Halls & Urban Culture Memory of Female

  4. 这就是原生态的文化记忆!

    This is the memory of our ecology !

  5. 百衲被与民族文化记忆&艾丽思·沃克短篇小说《日用家当》的文化解读

    Quilting and Ethno-cultural Memory : A Cultural Interpretation of Alice Walker 's Everyday Use

  6. 祠堂留给后人的是不可再生的精美建筑艺术、历史研究资料和珍贵文化记忆。

    Ancestral left to future generations is non-renewable beautiful architecture , historical research data and precious cultural memory .

  7. 著者的身份、经历和研究方式,决定了还原不可复得的文化记忆的可能性。

    The writer 's identity , experience and research methods decide the possibility of restoring un-retrieved cultural memory .

  8. 第四章主要从其历史、文化记忆和地理环境三方面解释了阳村平话人人文特征的成因,即影响阳村平话人人文特征的因素。

    The fourth chapter was explaining the cause of formation on cultural characteristics in about history , cultural memory and geographical circumstance .

  9. 土尔宾兄妹和作家本人的记忆根植于他们内心所潜藏的宗教文化记忆。

    The memory of the Turbin siblings and the author roots in the religious and cultural memory hiding inside of their soil .

  10. 想象的文化记忆&论怀旧的审美心理试论音乐学院图书馆理想形象的构建

    On the Aesthetic Psychology of Nostalgia ; Discussion on the Construction of the Idealized Image of the Library of Conservatory of Music

  11. 他用这一短语来描述文化记忆,蓝调和爵士乐以及美国身份本身的多种意义。

    He used it to evoke the multivalence of cultural memory , of blues and jazz music and of American identity itself .

  12. 在话语形式上来看,汉语书写的叙事策略背后蕴含了深刻的文化记忆问题。

    From the view of discursive form , it implies a profound issue of cultural memory behind the narrative strategies of Chinese writing .

  13. 侗族村寨的环境安排和建筑营建亦体现了该民族悠远的文化记忆和该民族的宇宙论。

    The environmental arrangement of the Dong Minority and architecture camps also show its faraway cultural memory and the nation 's theory of space .

  14. 现代作家在其各自的都市小说中以各自的叙事和言说方式赋予文本以各自的都市想象和文化记忆。

    The modern writers endue the text different city imagines and cultural memory in their city novels by their own way of narration and speech .

  15. 她将主体的时间观念建构在厚积着传统文化记忆和纠集着复杂人伦网络的乡土宗法空间上。

    She took the farmers'time consciousness on the thick plot of traditional cultural memory and mustering complex network of human relations in the local patriarchal space .

  16. 根据德国学者阿斯曼的文化记忆理论,仪式与文本是承载文化记忆的两大媒体。

    According to the theory of cultural memory raised by the German scholar Jan Assmann , ritual and text are two main mediums of cultural memory .

  17. 观众主要是年长的泰国华裔,他们中的一些人带着孙辈来看演出,想让他们了解这个代代相传的文化记忆。

    The audience consists mostly of older Thai-Chinese adults , some of whom take their grandchildren to connect with a cultural memory that has been passed down for generations .

  18. 茶文学主要包括茶史诗、茶传说、茶歌三个部分,它们是我国西南少数民族文学的重要组成部分,也是传承文化记忆的载体之一。

    The tea literature includes three parts : epic of tea , legend of tea , and the song of tea , which contributes the ethical culture and carries the ethic memory .

  19. 大量的地方志乘的修纂,既体现了传统史学顽强保存文化记忆的历史性特征,同时也为我们建构了一个地方性知识的文本世界。

    A great deal of compilation of Guizhou chorography not only reflect historical character of traditional historiography firmly preserving the culture memory , but also build the text world of local knowledge .

  20. 我国传统节日中留存着华夏民族独特的文化记忆,凝聚并影响着中华民族的价值观念、伦理道德、文化心理、审美旨趣和生活方式。

    Traditional Chinese festivals preserves Chinese nation 's unique cultural memory , condenses and affects Chinese nation 's values , ethics , cultural psychology , appreciation of beauty and way of life .

  21. 20世纪中国诗歌在法国象征主义纯诗那里找回了自己民族纯艺术传统的文化记忆,目的却多在寻找合乎现代性要求的、新诗形式建构的多种可能。

    The twentieth-century Chinese poems have found the Chinese nation 's cultural memories of pure art traditions from French symbolist pure poems so as to look for diverse possibilities of poetical modernity .

  22. 历史的发展以革新的姿态摧毁传统文化记忆,而本土空间想象和身份认同又在相当程度上有效抵抗了历史话语的宏大叙述。

    The advancement of history devastates traditional culture memories , while the local spatial imagination and identity has provided the effective resistance to the grand narrative of historical discourse , to a large extent .

  23. 在对上海的潜心关注中,王安忆十分重视都市想象与文化记忆的关系,刻画出各种边缘人物在日常生活中的生存困境与精神挣扎。

    Paying attention to Shanghai , Wang attaches great importance to relationship between imagination and cultural memory , depicting a variety of marginal figures in everyday life , showing their survival predicament and spiritual struggle .

  24. 内在灵魂与外在体格在民间意识的生活态情感下,构成了完整的壮族民间刺绣设计与艺术及其文化记忆与生活印记的信息面貌。

    Inherent spirit and external physique in folk consciousness under the life state of emotion , constitute a full set of zhuang folk embroidery design and art and its cultural imprint information memory and life outlook .

  25. 全球化时代需要的是既具有本民族文化记忆的深刻意蕴,又具有健全开放的心态和全球文化视野的世界公民。

    Globalization is both the needs of The Times of the national culture of the deep implication of memory , and a sound an open mind and global cultural vision to the citizens of the world .

  26. 只有唤醒民间文学艺术中包含的随时代迁移与变革而被人们逐渐忽视或忘却的文化记忆,才可能真正懂得人类文化整体的内涵与意义。

    We can not really understand the connotation and significance of the unitary human culture , unless we arouse the cultural memory contained in folklore which has been gradually neglected or forgotten by people as the era changes and reforms .

  27. 首先介绍理论依据,包括文化记忆理论的内涵和外延、文化记忆的媒体,库尔马斯的文字、语言身份观以及其他文化学者的语言身份观。

    It presents academic theories at first place , which contains the theory of cultural memory including its connotation , extension and media , Florian Coulmas ' view of writing identity and language identity and other scholars ' attitude on language identity .

  28. 呈现于影视娱乐形式中的家国意识,既延续了中国传统文化记忆,又在现代社会中有效地唤起了华人的文化认同。

    Such thinking of Family - Country collective consciousness , which is presented in the form of entertainment , continues our memories of traditional Chinese culture , as well as recalls efficiently the cultural recognition among people of Chinese origin in modern society .

  29. 它运用白描手法以平民食物为载体通过食物的生产和制作展现在观众面前,彰显中国人的处世原则、生活哲理和价值观,进一步唤醒了中华民族共同的文化记忆。

    It uses food as a line drawing techniques to civilian carrier through food production and production show in front of an audience , highlighting the principles of life of the Chinese people , life philosophy and values , further awakened the nation shared cultural memory .

  30. 校园总体规划的引导意义、校园景观设计的文化记忆、校园主体建筑的价值内涵三个方面的论述充分说明了高校校园环境艺术设计构建思想政治教育人文环境。

    It fully explains the Construction of cultural environment of ideological and political education by Campus Environment Art Design from the three aspects : campus master planning , the significance of the cultural memory of the campus landscape design , meaning the value of the main building on campus .