
  • 网络cultural route;culture routes
  1. 文化线路辨析

    The Debate of Cultural Routes Culture

  2. 文化线路遗产保护研究和实践在世界范围内受到重视,为四川文化线路遗产的保护和开发提供了前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    Cultural routes heritages are emphasized worldwide , it supplies lots of opportunities and challenges for protection and tourism development of Sichuan cultural routes .

  3. 骨架梳理&塑造文化线路线性空间是构成空间体系的骨架。

    Skeleton comb-shaping the cultural line The linear space constitute the skeleton of the space system .

  4. 文化线路辨析在线路出口端通过设置施工迂回导坑,保证施工顺利进行;

    Construction circuitous route is set up in the tunnel exit to ensure the smooth construction .

  5. 自1993年来,文化线路已成为世界遗产保护领域新兴的一种类型。

    Since 1993 , cultural route has been among the new-rising fields of heritage conservation around the world .

  6. 本课题的研究目的是在对运河文化线路的保护中填补徐州城区段的空白;

    Research of subject this purpose is to fill in the blank of section of urban area of Xuzhou to Beijing-Hangzhou Canal cultural route to protect ;

  7. 京杭运河文化线路徐州城区段沿线文化遗产保护之城市设计基础研究

    Research of Urban Design of Cultural Heritage 's Protection along the Line of the Acient Canal in the Urban Area Section of Xuzhou in Cultural Route of Beijing-Hangzhou Canal

  8. 论贵州驿道文化线路的价值构成&以明奢香驿道线路为研究个案

    The Heritage Value of the Cultural Route of Post Stages in Guizhou & The Case of the Cultural Routes of the Post Roads by Shexiang in the Ming Dynasty

  9. 大运河这条文化线路的形成,肇始于春秋,滥觞于隋,成就于唐。

    The formation of this the cultural lines of the Great Canal , began in The Spring and Autumn Period , appeared in Sui Dynasty , achievements in the Tang Dynasty .

  10. 系统介绍了文化线路保护的发展动态,并将之与在美国已经盛行有年的遗产廊道进行了比较。

    The article introduce the development of the conservation of cultural routes systematically , and compare the cultural routes concept with heritage corridor which have been prevailing in America for years .

  11. 作为一种新的遗产类型,文化线路虽尚未正式以独立的遗产类型出现,但它体现了世界遗产发展的方向和趋势,因此受到了全世界遗产界的重视。

    Although cultural routes are not officially independently appearing in the World Heritage List as a new heritage criterion , it represents the trend and direction of the development of world heritage .

  12. 抗战时期的中国考古学发掘资源优势培植新的经济增长点&对龙陵县开辟两条抗战文化旅游线路的思考

    Chinese Archaeology during the War of Resistance Against Japan Period Reflections on Opening of Two Tourist Routes in Longling County

  13. 此外,本文还探讨了法国文化旅游线路的发展,重新界定了文化旅游消费的外延。

    It also explores the development of French cultural-traveling routes and courses , afresh defined the conceptional extension of cultural-traveling consumption .

  14. 使西安丰富深厚的旅游资源通过广告传递给不同层次的旅游者,创造一个共生和谐的形象,从而提升西安历史文化旅游线路的竞争力。

    Xi ' an to deep rich tourism resources through advertising transmitted to the different levels of tourists , and create a symbiotic and harmonious image , history and culture so as to enhance the Xi ' an tourism routes competitiveness .

  15. 然后,以古城西安城墙内历史文化旅游线路为例,结合自己的设计实践,大致勾勒出古城西安旅游形象广告的基本轮廓。

    Then , in the ancient city of Xi ' an city wall in the historical and cultural attractions as an example , the light of their own design practice , and broadly outlines the ancient city of Xi ' an tourism image advertisement basic contours .

  16. 进一步修复整合文化资源和旅游线路;

    To restore and integrate cultural resources and tourist routes ;

  17. 关注新型文化遗产&文化线路遗产的保护

    Focus on a New Cultural Heritage & Protection of Cultural Route Heritage

  18. 第四章南京文化旅游产品的开发。明确了南京文化旅游的产品定位,提出了南京文化旅游产品的开发体系,并以南京民国文化旅游产品开发为例,对南京民国文化旅游线路进行了研究。

    Basing on production framework of cultural tourism in Nanjing , chapter 4 provides right cultural tourism product in allusion to subsection of market of cultural tourism .