
  1. 大遗址保护的PRED协调发展案例与模式&基于汉长安城的实证与思考

    PRED coordination development of chang ' an City relics of Han Dynasty

  2. 陕西大遗址保护与可持续利用研究

    The Research on Sustainable Utilization of Great Site in Shaanxi Province

  3. 环境保护&大遗址保护的可持续发展基点

    Environmental protection : basis of sustainable development of great site protection

  4. 基于博弈论的大遗址保护区政府与居民搬迁行为分析

    Game analysis on the residents ′ relocation of Great Site

  5. 大遗址保护规划中基础文物信息采集与管理方法初探

    Basic informatin acquisition and management for protection planning of large cultural relics

  6. 中国大遗址保护规划与技术创新简析

    Analysis of the Conservation Planning and Technological Innovation of Chinese Great Sites

  7. 梦想辉煌:建设我们的大遗址保护展示体系和园区&关于我国大遗址保护思路的探讨

    Brilliant Hope : Construction of Our System and Field of Protection and Display of Large Sites

  8. 中国东南地区大遗址保护的可行性方法&以江苏为例

    Feasible Methods to Conserve the Great Sites in Southeast China : A Case Study of Jiangsu Province

  9. 大遗址保护中的弹性规划策略研究&基于雍城遗址保护的思考

    The Application of Elasticity Planning Strategy In large sites Protection & Based on The Yong Cite Site Research

  10. 目前,大遗址保护是我国文化遗产保护工作中一项重要课题。

    At present , the protection of our cultural heritage site is the work of an important issue .

  11. 尊重大遗址保护中的民生要求&以中国东南地区的江苏为例

    Respecting the Requirement of People 's Livelihood in Great Sites Conservation : A Case Study of Jiangsu Province in Southeast China

  12. 温故求新:促进大遗址保护的科学发展&大遗址保护思路再探

    Review & Renovation : Promoting the Scientific Development of Great Sites Conservation : Re-exploration of the Thoughts of Great Sites Conservation

  13. 大遗址保护中聚落搬迁研究&以汉长安城为例

    An Study of Villages Movement in Preservation of Large Historic Cites & On the Case of Han Chang ' an City

  14. 针对我国国情,国务院提出了大遗址保护的概念,这一概念是我国特有的。

    In view of the situation , the State Council put forward a great site protection concept , the concept is unique in China .

  15. 当前大遗址保护的发展理念已趋向从传统的一维生态环境观上升到二维环境观(生态环境、社会文化环境)。

    The developmental idea of great site protection ascends from traditional one-dimensional ecological environment to the two-dimensional environments which include ecological environment and social cultural environment .

  16. 第三章对河南省大遗址保护的总体情况进行了阐述,认为河南省在华夏文明史上的重要区位优势是目前境内留存大量历史文化遗产和重要大遗址的历史背景。

    The important position in the history of Chinese civilization is great historical background of the large and important historical and cultural heritage sites in Henan .

  17. 长期以来,大遗址保护与城市发展之间的矛盾一直是困扰我国城市开发建设的难题。

    For a long period of time , the contradiction between the conservation of large site and urban development has always been an obsession of urban development and construction .

  18. 三是研究提出了该大遗址保护区保护利用的总体目标与战略,三个区块针对性的保护利用方向和方式的研究。

    Thirdly , this thesis proposed the overall protection and development objectives and strategies of the great ruins conservation area , as well as targeted directions and measures towards the three blocks .

  19. 在大遗址保护中,存在中央政府、地方政府和当地民众(企业/居民)三个主要的行为主体,相应地会形成中央政府行为外部性、地方政府行为外部性和企业/居民行为外部性。

    In the protection of Large Remains , the central government , local government and the local residents , as three principal behavioral main bodies , accordingly give rise to three kinds of externalities of behaviors .

  20. 并建议国家制定具有长期指导作用的大遗址保护展示体系和重点园区的建设规划,纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。

    This paper puts out a suggestion that our country should formulate a policy about the construction of system and field of protection and display of large sites and bring it into the development plan of economy and society .

  21. 因此,在大遗址保护规划的编制工作中,要对遗址进行整体保护,就必须对遗址的文物价值作出完整而准确的评估,这个过程也是整个工作的基础!

    So in the process of planning for the conservation of the Large-scale Sites which has extraordinary cultural signification , we must attach importance to the Value assessment of the Large-scale Sites which provided the foundation for the whole work of protection and conservation .

  22. 随着城市化进程的快速推进,大遗址保护区出现保护限制发展,发展不利于保护的尴尬局面,使得遗址区内部人地关系脆弱性显著。

    With the rapid advance of urbanization , there is a the phenomenon in the large heritage relic area that " the conservation restricts the development , and the development is not helpful to the conservation ", which is made the vulnerability of human-land relationship more remarkable .

  23. 尤其是城市建成区的大遗址保护,与城市建设之间的矛盾日趋激烈,如何既能更好的保护这类大遗址,又能促进城市发展,是城市建成区大遗址保护的主要问题。

    Especially in urban built-up area , great site protection and urban construction intensified the contradiction between , How to not only better protect such a large site , but also to promote urban development , which is a great site protection in urban areas the main problem .

  24. 大遗址遗迹保护问题研究

    Finding a Way to the Question of Conservation of Great Ruins & Traces

  25. 大遗址的保护与利用

    Protection and Use of Great Ruins

  26. 2009年,国家文物局批准了大辛庄遗址保护总体规划。

    In2009 , the State Administration of Cultural Heritage approved the general plan for the protection of Daxin Village Site .

  27. 高速的城市化和城市更新使得处于城市边缘的大遗址在保护与城市发展之间产生明显博弈。

    High-speed urbanization and urban renovation bring conflicts to Chang ' an city relics be - tween the protection and development .

  28. 大遗址的保护利用是我国历史文化遗产保护领域的前沿和难点。

    The protection and utilization of great site is a new and difficult problem in the filed of historic heritage protection .

  29. 随着近些年我国工业化、城镇化步伐加快,所伴生的城乡建设及各种经济活动陆续展开,引发身处城市区域的大遗址在保护与利用问的利益冲突问题。

    These years , with the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization in our country , urban and rural construction and all kinds of economic activities get conducted one after another . Consequently , conflicts appear between the protection and utilization of Great Ruins located in urban areas .

  30. 大遗址特性与保护利用模式探讨&以汉长安城遗址为例

    Discussion of characteristics of large site and its protection and utilization mod & with Han chang ' an city site as example