
  1. 大山子艺术节上的一景,大山子艺术创意区,更为外界所知的是他的另一个名字&798。

    Dashanzi International Art Festival at Dashanzi Art District in Beijing , mostly known as the name of798 .

  2. 由于大山子艺术区日益商业化,他把自己的画室搬走了,而只在这里保存了一间办公室和酒吧。

    The increasing commercialization of the Dashanzi area has led him to move his studio elsewhere , while keeping an office and his cafe here .

  3. 随着北京城市化进程的扩张,原属城郊的大山子地区已经成为城区的一部分。

    Thanks to the expanding urbanization process ofbeijing , the Dashanzi area , which used to be onbeijing 's outskirts , has become a part of the city .