
dà guān yuán
  • Grand View Garden;showplace
大观园[dà guān yuán]
  1. 北京的那个大观园,太小了。

    That the Beijing Grand View Garden , is too small .

  2. 聚焦百色:灿烂的民族历史文化大观园

    Baise : A Grand View Garden of National and Historical Culture

  3. 椰子大观园的发展探析

    A Probe into the Development of Coconut Grand View Garden

  4. 大观园试才深层内涵探赜

    Exploration of the Deeper Meaning of Testing Literary Talent in Grand View Garden

  5. 海南椰子大观园棕榈植物名录

    Cataloguing of Palmae Plants in Coconut Grand View Garden of Hainan The Palm Beach

  6. 大观园的文化旨意

    The Grand View Garden : Embodide Culture

  7. 第二部分,具体论述花意象热点&大观园花人合一的群芳争妍意象。

    The second part detailedly the linchpin of flowerage imagoes-beautiful women and fragrant flowers imagoes .

  8. 晴雯是《红楼梦》大观园中最有个性的典型人物之一。

    Qingwen is one of the most typical characters in A Dream of Red Mansion .

  9. 《红楼梦》中大观园之现代诠释

    Modern Annotation on the Grand Sight Garden in Chinese Traditional novel The Story of the Stone

  10. 但「金」与「土」就是有着一份魔力,让我忘返的溜连这个大观园。

    But metal and earth does have the magical power to ensnare me in this cornucopia .

  11. 《红楼梦》大观园中的园林植物初考

    Preliminary Investigation on Landscape Plants in Grand View Garden of A Dream of the Red Mansions

  12. 在大观园之外,茗烟的地位和作用不亚于怡红院里的袭人和晴雯。

    Ming Yan 's social position and function are no less than Xiren and Qingwen in the Yihong Park .

  13. 这个公园是仿照《红楼梦》里的大观园设计的。

    This park is laid out in imitation of Grand View Garden in " a Dream of Red Mansions " .

  14. 中国是茶的故乡,饮茶风习的发源地,茶文化的大观园。

    China is the homeland of tea , the birthplace of tea drinking custom , and the wonderland of tea culture .

  15. 从桃花源、后花园到大观园&一个文学类型的文化透视

    From the Land of Peach Blossoms through the Back Garden to the Daguan Garden & A Thorough Review of a Literary Style

  16. 以龙门温泉、南昆山温泉大观园、中信惠州汤泉为主的生态养生健康游;

    Further a field , other tourists sites are the Longmen hot springs , the grand hot springs in Nankun Mountain and Tangquan .

  17. 金秀大瑶山有五种瑶人,是中国瑶族的大观园,包含了中国瑶族的主要支系。

    There are five branches of Yao ethnic group in Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County , which includes the main branches of Chinese Yao .

  18. 身处这样一个色彩斑斓的滨海大观园中,渴望返朴大自然的人们不禁感慨这里是健体怡神的理想境地。

    It is truly an ideal place for physical and mental relief and refreshment to those who yearn to intimately embrace the nature .

  19. 《红楼梦》中,刘姥姥在大观园里是人们眼中的宝货。

    In " a dream of red mansions ", grandma Liu is a laughing stock in the eyes of many in the grand garden .

  20. 红楼梦中的大观园在中国古典园林建筑史上占有重要的地位。

    The Grand Sight Garden in Chinese traditional novel " The Story of the Stone " takes an important position in Chinese traditional landscape architecture .

  21. 寓情于景情景交融&大观园三个主要院落的景物布局与人物

    Containing sentiment in scenery and blending sentiment with scenery & Arrangement of the three big courtyards and the character figures living in the Prospect Garden

  22. 《红楼梦》各回描写的惜春在大观园中的住处,存在着互不照应的矛盾。

    There exists a contradiction in description of Xichun s dwelling in the Grand View Garden in different chapters in A Dream of Red Mansions .

  23. 所以,我们在家遥祭了外公外婆后,就出发前往位于北京丰台的世界花卉大观园。

    So , we held a memorial ceremony for my grandparents at home , then left for the World Flower Grand Garden located in Fengtai District .

  24. 所谓北有故宫,南有木府,丽江木府是丽江文化的大观园。

    The so-called " the north has the Forbidden City , the south has MuFu ", MuFu is " the grand view garden " of Lijiang culture .

  25. 〔4〕贾宝玉是公元十八世纪中国著名小说《红楼梦》中的人物,大观园是贾宝玉家里的花园。

    Chia Pao-yu was a character in The Dream of the Red Chamber , an 18th century Chinese novel , and the Grand View Garden was his family garden .

  26. 《红楼梦》的理想世界是大观园,它是个美的世界,充满平等自由的气息,有着现实社会所缺少的人文关怀。

    The ideal world in A Dream of Red Mansions is the grand garden which is a beautiful world brimming with equality , freedom and humane concern devoid in the actual world .

  27. 为迎接元妃省亲,贾府上下开邕忙碌,还专修了一座大观园。

    The Jia family relaxed after hearing the news . In order to welcome the homecoming imperial concubine , the Jia family became busier and built a garden of grand views for the occasion .

  28. 作者在小说中花费大量的心血,精心构建了一个天上人间诸景备的大观园,必然有其深意所在。

    The author , making a great deal of painstaking work , has carefully constructed the unique Grand View Garden " endowed with all the heaven and earth scenes ", which has its profound metaphorical meaning .

  29. 面对身体和精神的放逐,水男儿贾宝玉退守大观园,审美化地建筑起身体的家园,又用林黛玉的知己之爱营造起精神的家园。

    Face the banish ," water man " JIA Bao-yu felt back on " Da Guan Garden ", tastily build a body homestead , equally by LIN Dai-yu 's confidential love build a spirit homestead for devotee .

  30. 本文从旅游美学的角度,详细分析了大观园的山水美、花木美、建筑美和文学美,揭示了有关的旅游观赏原理。

    This paper analyzes the author 's description of hills and water , flower and trees , houses and buildings from the perspective of sight-seeing aesthetics , and reveals the principles for appreciation of beauty in sight-seeing .