
  1. 济南大学科技园属于济南西部新城六大功能组团之一,是济南西部新城开发建设的重点区域。

    University science and technology park in JiNan belongs to one of six major functional groups of western new town , which is the key area of JiNan west new town development and construction .

  2. 并且在此研究基础上,结合获得的实际调研数据,选取影响济南大学科技园职住空间的四个影响因素,包括就业岗位、住宅开发、城市公共交通和城市公共服务设施。

    And on the basis of the study , combining with the actual survey data , the paper selects the four of university science parks impact factors , including employment , housing development , urban public transport and urban public service facilities .