
  • 网络Public cultural service system;public culture service system
  1. 完善公共文化服务体系,深入实施文化惠民工程,丰富群众性文化活动。

    We will improve the public cultural service system , carry out public-interest cultural programs , and launch more popular cultural activities .

  2. 公共文化服务体系;高校图书馆;图书馆服务;

    Public Cultural Service System ; University Library ; Library Service ;

  3. 张家口市农村公共文化服务体系的构建与发展

    Construction and Development of Rural Community Cultural Service System in Zhangjiakou

  4. 公共文化服务体系中公共图书馆的服务定位

    The Public Library Service Positioning in the Public Cultural Service System

  5. 论高校图书馆在公共文化服务体系中的有效参与

    Effective participation of university libraries in the public cultural service system

  6. 论我国公共文化服务体系建设的理论基础

    The Theoretical Foundation for the Public Cultural Service System Construction of China

  7. 关于江苏构建公共文化服务体系的分析与思考

    Analysis of Public Culture Service System Construction in Jiangsu and Its Solution

  8. 基于和谐文化建设的图书馆公共文化服务体系探析

    Analysis about Library Public Culture Service System Based on Harmonious Culture Construction

  9. 拓宽图书馆服务领域,构建公共文化服务体系

    Extend library social service , build public culture service system

  10. 下半年临沂市将加快推进公共文化服务体系建设。

    Linyi will accelerate in the second half of public cultural service system .

  11. 社区图书馆是基层公共文化服务体系的重要载体。

    Community library is the primary carrier of grass public cultural service system .

  12. 文化信息资源共享工程;公共文化服务体系;苏北地区。

    Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project ; Public cultural service system ; Northern Jiangsu .

  13. 加强共享工程建设构建公共文化服务体系

    Strengthening the Construction of Sharing Engineering and Building the Service System of Public Culture

  14. 40.构建现代公共文化服务体系。

    Build a modernized public cultural services system .

  15. 鼓励社会力量、社会资本参与公共文化服务体系建设,培育文化非营利组织。

    Encourage social forces and capital investment in cultural services . Cultivate nonprofit organizations .

  16. 公共文化服务体系建构中的地方文献管理

    Reflection on Management of Local Documents under the Constructing of Public Cultural Service System

  17. 延伸高校图书馆的服务范围,构建公共文化服务体系

    Expand the Service Scope of the University Library and Construct the Public Cultural Service System

  18. 家庭虚拟图书馆:构建公共文化服务体系的新模式

    Family Virtual Library : A New Model to Construct the Service System of Public Culture

  19. 加强河北省农村公共文化服务体系建设研究&以张家口市为例

    On Strengthening the Construction of Public Culture Service System in Rural Area in Hebei Province

  20. 公共文化服务体系中的图书馆与社会合作实证研究

    A Questionnaire Survey of Cooperation among Library and Public Service Organizations in Public Cultural Service System

  21. 基层图书馆在公共文化服务体系中的作用及发展对策

    The Functions of the Primary-level Library in the Public Culture Service System and the Development Countermeasures

  22. 在这种文化格局下,构建公共文化服务体系,成为文化建设的一项突出任务。

    Under such circumstance , forming a public cultural service system becomes an urgent cultural construction task .

  23. 海西视域下的农村公共文化服务体系构建

    Construction of Service System for Rural Public Culture Under Background of West Side of the Taiwan Straits

  24. 公共文化服务体系建设大潮中的区级图书馆&杭州市区级图书馆建设探讨

    Constructing District Libraries in the Public Culture Service System & On the Construction of District Libraries in Hangzhou

  25. 城市图书馆建设是加强公共文化服务体系的重要内容。

    The construction of city libraries is the important content of strengthening the system of public cultural service .

  26. 浅析高校图书馆如何在公共文化服务体系中发挥作用

    Analysis on How to Give Full Play to the Functions of University Library in the Public Cultural Service

  27. 社区文化建设是社会主义公共文化服务体系建设的重要内容之一。

    The community cultural construction is one of the most important contents of the socialism public cultural service system .

  28. 加强公共文化服务体系特别是基层公共文化设施建设。

    We will strengthen the system of public cultural services , especially the building of community public cultural facilities .

  29. 公共文化服务体系是现代政府公共服务体系的重要组成部分。

    Public cultural service system is one of the important parts in the public service system of modern government .

  30. 阐述公共文化服务体系的概念,并论证它是一个文化生态系统。

    This paper discusses the concept of public culture service system and proves it is a cultural ecology system .