
  1. 第一部分,公务员财产申报制度概述。

    The first part , an overview of the civil service assets declaration system .

  2. 因此建立行之有效的公务员财产申报制度十分必要,能监督公职人员财产情况,有效预防和遏制腐败的发生。

    Therefore the establishment of an effective civil service property declaration system is necessary .

  3. 第六部分为推进公务员财产申报制度构建的路径突破。

    Part VI is to seek a breakthrough in the civil property declaration system .

  4. 第三部分主要分析公务员财产申报制度势在必行的原因及重要作用。

    The third part analyzes the case of the property declaration system and its significance .

  5. 世界各国实践表明,公务员财产申报制度在预防和惩治腐败方面有显著成效。

    Practices show that civil property declaration system has won victory in preventing and punishing corruption .

  6. 首先对公务员财产申报制度的概念作了梳理。

    First of all , the property declaration system of civil servants were combing the concept .

  7. 接着论证了检察机关主管公务员财产申报的优越性。

    Then declared the superiority of the procuratorial organs in charge of civil servants and property .

  8. 第二部分主要介绍公务员财产申报制度的概念,构成要素及理论来源。

    The second part introduces the concept of civil property declaration system , elements and theoretical sources .

  9. 然而迄今为止,除了个别城市试点公务员财产申报及公示制度外,我国绝大多数地区尚未出台财产申报及公示政策。

    But until now , most area of China has not yet promulgated property declaration and public policy .

  10. 第二章介绍了我国公务员财产申报制度的历史沿革和我国目前的状况以及存在的问题。

    The second chapter property system in civil servants of the history and the current situation in China .

  11. 为了应对这一顽疾,公务员财产申报制度应运而生。

    In order to deal with this problem , the property declaration system for civil servants emerged as the times require .

  12. 第四部分主要对国内外公务员财产申报制度的实施情况进行简单梳理。

    The fourth part is the carding of the civil property declaration main domestic and international countries property declaration system for simple comb .

  13. 公务员财产申报制度,是进行权力监督、预防腐败的重要途径,也是现代政治文明的重要标志。

    To declare property system with civil servants is a way to conduct oversight powers and an important symbol of modern political civilization .

  14. 本部分立足中国国情,结合2010年7月公布实施的《关于领导干部报告个人有关事项的规定》,分析了我们当前公务员财产申报制度法制化所面临的各种困境。

    Combine the provisions of the leader report on personal matters published in July 2010 , analyzed currently facing difficulties about our system .

  15. 第二章则重点对公务员财产申报制度本身进行描述,包括它的理论依据、基本构成和功能。

    The second chapter focuses on the introduction of the civil servant property system itself including its theoretical basis 、 constituent elements and function .

  16. 最近几年,公务员财产申报制度一直是舆论关注的焦点,也是民间的强烈诉求。

    In recent years , civil assets declaration system has been the focus of media attention , is also a strong demand for civil .

  17. 在我国实施公务员财产申报制度非常必要,公务员财产申报制度是建立和谐社会的必经之路,是实现中国梦的重要通道。

    Building the civil service property is necessary . It is the way to establish a harmonious society and an important channel of Chinese Dream .

  18. 第六,积极推进干部人事制度、行政审批制度、财政管理制度和公务员财产申报制度等配套制度的改革;

    Sixthly , deepen personnel regime reformation , innovate administrative examining system , reform financial management system , and build civil servant property supervising regimentation .

  19. 而战胜行政伦理失范的有效途径之一就是行政伦理本身的轨制化,在行政伦理立法的基本上实行公务员财产申报轨制。

    One of the effective ways of overcoming it is institutionalization of administrative ethics , adopting property declaration system on the basis of administrative ethical legislation .

  20. 公务员财产申报制度对于有效地防止和惩治腐败,维护公职人员在人民群众心目中的威望具有重要作用。

    Property declaration system for civil servants to effectively prevent and punish corruption , maintain public officer in the eyes of the people of prestige plays an important role .

  21. 第三章总结了美国和新加坡财产申报制度的先进经验,为我国建立和实行公务员财产申报制度提供一些经验。

    Third chapter summarizes the property of Singapore and the advanced experience of the system of our country , and establish and implement civil servant property system provides some experiences .

  22. 并通过对国外公务员财产申报制度的研究与比较,及我国公务员财产申报制度现状的分析,提出一些具有针对性、系统性、可操作性的建议。

    By researching on and comparing to Properties Declaration System for foreign civil servants and analyzing the system situation of Chinese civil servants , it offers some advices with pertinence .

  23. 在分析公务员财产申报制度现状的基础上,从八个方面就完善公务员财产申报制度提出了对策和建议。

    In the analysis of civil service status of the property declaration system , based on eight areas from the property declaration system to improve the civil service measures and suggestions put forward .

  24. 被称之为阳光法案的公务员财产申报制度,是打击腐败、加强廉政建设、促进公共服务的有效制度。

    The so called " Sunshine Act " & civil servants assets declaration system , is an effective system to prevent corruption , reinforce the construction of a clean government , and improve public service .

  25. 公务员财产申报制度主要是以一种强制手段强制公职人员如实公开个人及家庭成员的私人财产,并对其真实性和合法性接受监督。

    Mainly it is a mandatory means for government servants to publish faithfully private property of their family members and their own . And they must accept supervision on the authenticity and legitimacy of their .

  26. 正是以此为出发点,本文首先从我国目前现有的一些与公务员财产申报主管机构有关的理论争议和实践探索梳理入手,逐一评析其缺陷。

    Precisely as a starting point , declaration of the competent bodies of the relevant theoretical arguments and practice of combing start first from the existing and civil servants property , each of Analysis of its shortcomings .

  27. 从1987年起,公务员财产申报制度就一直受到社会各界的广泛关注,但改革的步伐却只能在曲折中缓慢前行。

    The Property Report System has attracted increasingly great attention from all walks of life in our society since 1987 . However , the path towards reform is tortuous , and the pace of reform is slow .

  28. 第四章在前面几章的基础上,从不同的角度进一步探索和分析制约我国公务员财产申报制度建设的主要因素。

    On the basis of earlier chapters , the fourth chapter makes further exploration on the drawbacks that affect and limit the development of civil servant property experience , which is helpful to the improvement of our system .

  29. 公务员财产申报制度的法制化,是我国法治建设的重要组成部分,也是反腐败斗争的有效武器,对我国公务员队伍建设发挥应有作用。

    Civil legal property declaration system , rule of law in China is an important part of the struggle against corruption is also an effective weapon for the construction of the civil service to play its due role .

  30. 公务员财产申报制度是一种有效预防公务员腐败的监督制度,已经在美国、韩国、香港等很多国家和地区得到成功验证。

    Civil Service Property Declaration System is an effective supervisory system to prevent corruption which has been successfully verified in the United States , the South Korea , the Hong Kong , and many other countries and regions .