
  • 网络M&A;merger of company;merger;Merger or Take-over
  1. 公司兼并涉及许多利益相关者,包括股东、经理、地方政府、债权人、职员、供应商和客户等。

    There are many types of stakeholders in merger of firms , such as shareholder , manager , local government officer , loaner , employee , supply dealer , consumer and so on .

  2. 而半强式有效市场是指所有与该股票有关的公开信息,包括历史信息以及公司财务报告、公司兼并公告、利率调整、宏观经济状况通告等,都已经充分及时地反映到该股票价格中。

    The semi-strong form efficient market means all of the public information , including historical information and financial reporting , corporate merger announcement , the interest rate adjustment , macroeconomic conditions and notices , have been fully reflected in the stock price .

  3. 那家大公司兼并了多家小商号。

    The big company merged various small businesses .

  4. 许多约会者似乎都有同感,因此市值20亿美元的网上交友业发展迅猛,即便业内正在发生兼并&大多数都是被雅冈领导的Match公司兼并的。

    Many daters , it seems , agree : the $ 2 billion online dating industry is growing quickly , even as it is being consolidated & mostly by match Inc. , which Yagan Helms .

  5. 2010年,她领导公司兼并了英国糖果巨人吉百利公司(Cadbury)。同年,公司营业收入达到480亿美元。

    She led the company in acquiring British candy giant Cadbury in2010 , and the company generated $ 48 billion in revenues that same year .

  6. 2007年,挪威国家石油公司兼并了挪威海德鲁公司(NorskHydro)的石油及天然气部,并在兼并的过程中接管了一部分该公司的艺术藏品。

    In 2007 , Statoil merged with the oil and gas division of Norsk Hydro and , in the merger , took over some of that company 's art collection .

  7. 新闻分析:美国公司兼并为何愈演愈烈

    News analysis : why US company takeovers are growing in intensity

  8. 上市公司兼并与收购的财富效应

    Study on Wealth Effects of M & A of Listed Companies

  9. 许多小型企业都已被大公司兼并。

    Many small businesses have been swallowed up by large companies .

  10. 自从公司兼并接管后,生产率降低了(或提高了)。

    Productivity have fall or rise since the company is take over .

  11. 自从公司兼并接管后,生产率降低了。

    Productivity have fallen since the company was taken over .

  12. 公司兼并利益相关者行为决策分析

    Stakeholders ' Decision - making Behavior in Merger of Firms

  13. 这家大公司兼并了两家较小的公司。

    The big firm merged two smaller firms .

  14. 股份公司兼并财务决策的边界条件分析

    Analyzing the financial boundaries for merger decision

  15. 对目标企业进行价值评估是公司兼并和投资的重要参考。

    The valuation of target companies is an important reference for company acquisition and investment .

  16. 在公司兼并或发盘收购中,支付方式对收购者及被收购者企业的股东收益会产生影响。

    In company merge , payment influences the purchasers income and the shareholders of the enterprise sold .

  17. 冷战后,世界航天市场竞争格局发生了巨大的变化,国外航天公司兼并重组活动风起云涌。

    After Cold War , the competition structure of the world space market took place the enormous varieties .

  18. 新华社华盛顿8月30日电新闻分析:美国公司兼并为何愈演愈烈。

    Xinhua news agency , washington , analysis : why US company takeovers are growing in intensity .

  19. 那个公司兼并了许多其他公司,可它最后也破产了。

    That company bought many other companies lock , stock and barrel , but it still went bankrupt .

  20. 林业企业改革的新尝试&永安林业(集团)股份公司兼并三明人造板有限公司

    A new attempt in forestry enterprises ' reform & yongan forestry company limited annexed Sanming wood-based panel Company Limited

  21. 行为金融视角下的我国上市公司兼并重组风险分析

    Analysis on the Risk of Annexation and Recombination of the Listed Company in Our Country from the View of Behavioral Finance

  22. 公司兼并收购首先是被认为解决公司治理问题的最后手段,也是最有效的手段,但是其局限性也逐渐被人们认识。

    Mergers & Acquisitions are considered as the last and the most effective method to solve the problem of corporate governance .

  23. 但是,它对公司兼并和其他商业并购,以及随之而来的产业集中化的影响则不那么明确。

    But the effect on corporate mergers and other commercial acquisitions and , thus , on industry concentration , is less certain .

  24. 第一、公司兼并收购,依被并购对象所在行业部门来划分,被分为横向并购、纵向并购,混合并购。

    Firstly , according to merger objectives ' industry , mergers are often categorized as horizontal , vertical , mixed or conglomerate mergers ;

  25. 云南省盐业总公司兼并昆明盐矿纪实工业烷烃磺酸盐-总烷烃磺酸盐含量的测定

    Records of the Mergence of Kunming Salt Mine by Yunnan Provincial Salt Industry Corporation ; technical alkane sulphonates-determination of total alkane sulphonates content

  26. 公司兼并与收购是市场经济的产物,也是市场发展的必然要求。

    Mergers and acquisitions are not only a product of the market economy , and are also an inevitable requirement of the market development .

  27. 在我国上市公司兼并重组的过程中,产生了一些非理性的行为,导致风险的发生。

    In the process of annexation and recombination of the listed company in our country , some non-rational behavior has occurred , which causes the risk .

  28. 同时,与其他公司兼并之后,可以增多自己的发展渠道,变化发展方向,提高发展效率。

    Meanwhile , after merging with other companies , a company can intensify its own developing channels , change its developing orientations and enhance its increasing its developing efficiencies .

  29. 此间观察家认为,公司兼并有着积极的一面,即降低成本、提高效率、加强竞争实力。

    Observers here believe that company takeovers has a positive aspect , i.e. , the reduction of cost , the increase in efficiency , and the strengthening of competitive power .

  30. 一方面,有证据显示,公司兼并的情况一个世纪以来继续有增无减(但往往没有产生合并预期的成效)。

    On the one hand , there is evidence that corporate mergers have continued to proliferate throughout the century ( often failing to produce the efficiencies promised by consolidation ) .