
  1. 母子公司管理体制已成为企业集团最重要的组织管理形式。

    Parent-subsidiary corporation management system has become the most important organizational management forms .

  2. 母子公司管理体制的实施,反映了大型企业自身改革发展的客观而迫切需要。

    The implementation of Parent-subsidiary system reflects objectively cry for self reformation and development in large-scale enterprises .

  3. 科层组织中的异层级化趋向&基于宝钢集团公司管理体制的案例研究

    The Trend towards Hierarchical Organizations as a Variation of Hierarchy-a Case Study Based on the Managerial Setup of Shanghai Baoshan Steel Company Group

  4. 公司管理体制健全,技术力量雄厚,生产工艺先进,产品质量在同行业中处于领先水平。

    The company is very competitive in new product development , production process and quality control as company owns advanced plastic injecting , pressing and welding area .

  5. 针对母子公司管理体制的特点,分析集团公司采取直接管理、授权各子、分公司管理,子公司自行管理三种项目管理方式,得出优先采用授权委托管理和自行管理的方式。

    According to the characteristics of management systems in the parent and subsidiary company , three methods , which are direct management , authorizing each subsidiary and branch company management and subsidiary management by oneself , have been analyzed . The priority adoptions are authorizing management and management by oneself .

  6. 第六部分,S寿险分公司财务管理体制新设计。

    Part VI : the new design of financial management system about S pension insurance division company .

  7. 供电公司从管理体制、管理机制、运作模式等方面都面临重大变化,机遇和挑战并存。

    Management , supervision and operation of electric power supply companies are going to significant change . Chance goes along with challenge .

  8. 第四部分,S寿险分公司财务管理体制现状及问题分析。

    First , to analysis the basic situation of S pension insurance division company , the situation and characteristics of the financial management system .

  9. 但是,随着物探公司经营管理体制改革的不断深入和公司内外部环境的不断变化,物探公司项目成本管理体系的设计仍有待于进一步完善。

    However , with the in-depth innovation of the geophysical company management system and the changing external environment , geophysical company project cost management system remains to be further improved .

  10. 微观理财环境要素包括公司自身管理体制,经营组织模式,生产经营规模和内部管理水平。

    Micro-financing environment indicate the special space which is consist of management system of company itself , mode of organization of operation , the scale of line operation and internal management level .

  11. 第一,分析保险人不履行诚信义务的原因,主要有:保险公司经营管理体制存在弊端;投保人面临信息不对称的劣势;投保人缺乏保险专业知识。

    First , the analysis of fiduciary duty the insurer fails to perform the main reasons are : the insurance company management system disadvantages ; asymmetric information disadvantage faced by the insured ; policyholders lack of insurance expertise .

  12. 最近,兖矿集团公司进行了管理体制的重大变革。

    Yanzhou Mining Group underwent a major transformation in its management system recently .

  13. 认为股权结构决定集团公司治理与管理体制。

    The stock ownership structure decides the governance and managing system . 3 .

  14. 对高校产业领域内母子公司管理控制的体制、模式、手段进行研究,探讨母子公司管理控制体系的优化对策具有理论和实践意义。

    As the parent company of an industrious group sponsored by a college , the asset management company has a special position in the management and control of the parent-subsidiary company .

  15. 第三节是本章的重点,对构建方舟公司未来资金管理体制提出了集中模式、集成模式和组织架构的方案。

    In this part , as for the future cash management system of the Fangzhou group , we come up with the scheme with centralizing pattern , integrating pattern and organization construction .

  16. 因此本文从A热电公司现行薪酬管理体制的特点入手,考察薪酬体系的现状,通过发放调查问卷和人员访谈等方法,分析其不是和存在的问题。

    Therefore , this article from the A thermal power company current salary management system characteristic , inspected salary system present situation , through the questionnaire and interview methods , analysis of its shortcomings and problems .

  17. 集团公司对内投资管理体制与决策方法研究

    The Study on the Intra-Investment Management System and Decision-making Method of Group Company

  18. 公司拥有高效的管理体制、雄厚的技术力量、先进的生产设备、专业检测方式、完善的售后服务。

    This company has efficient managing mechanism , capable technical team , advanced equipments , professional test method , and perfect after-sale service .

  19. 介绍了部分世界著名跨国化工公司的环境保护管理体制、目标、具体措施和取得的成绩。

    The paper reviews the management system , goals , specific measures and achievements of environmental protection in some famous transnational chemical companies in the world .

  20. 国有投资公司是国有资产管理体制改革中的产物,它的形成在很大程度上是为了解决国有资产管理体制中的问题,同具有不同于其他企业的某种改革性功能。

    State-owned investment companies are the product of the reform of state-owned assets management system , and their forming are largely for the sake of solving the problems existing in this system .

  21. 日本公司若不进行管理体制和管理观念的改革,必将失去竞争力并被淘汰,主张管理的全面西化。

    If Japanese company did not carry on the reforms , it would lose competitiveness and be finally eliminated . Thus , many scholars advocated the overall westernization of the Japanese corporate management models .

  22. 20世纪80年代中期以后,以美国跨国公司建立企业危机管理体制为标志,企业危机管理开始走向成熟,并逐渐在企业管理体系中占有了重要地位。

    Since the mid 1980s , crisis management signed with the establishment of the enterprises crisis management system in American MNEs has come to the mature stage and taken an important position step by step in the enterprises ' management system .

  23. 针对油区分公司与总公司的管理体制,将投资项目划分为油区分公司和总公司整体优化两级进行。

    Because of management system of branch and parent company , investment projects are optimized at two levels of field branch and parent company .

  24. 介绍了中国石化山西阳泉石油分公司实施市县石油公司一体化管理体制的工作经验。

    Experiences of Sinopec ShanXi Yangquan Oil Company carrying on integrated management are introduced .

  25. 对不同版块的子公司采取不同的组织结构类型,健全母子公司管理体制,物流版块和商贸版块子公司相互参股,形成环型结构,促进集团主业发展。

    Different organization structure is applied to different subsidiaries . Mother company should strengthen management system . Logistics and trade companies own the mutual share to form a ring structure to help develop the main business of the Group .

  26. 第二部分,指出了目前集团公司在法人治理结构方面存在的问题,如集团公司管理体制问题、出资人管理不到位的问题、公司实际运行中与《公司法》相背离的问题等等。

    Chapter 2 points out that there are such some problems in corporate governance of group corporations as the management system , lack of control over investors , the corporations ' deviation from the Company Law in practical operation , etc.

  27. 本文综合运用了母子公司管理控制理论、分类研究法和个案分析法等方法进行研究,指出母子公司管理体制的核心是母公司与子公司的权力划分。

    This paper uses research methods of parent-subsidiary management and control theory , classification method , case analysis method and so on . It points out that the parent-subsidiary corporation management control is based on the power division between the parent company and the subsidiary .