
  • 网络preliminary control;initial control
  1. 最后给出了相应的结论和初步控制水体污染措施的建议,为人工湖今后的综合管理以及人工湖的水体质量的维护提供了一定的科学依据。

    Finally , appropriate conclusions and recommendations of the initial control measures of water pollution was proposed , providing a scientific basis for the integrated management of the artificial lake in the future as well as the maintenance of the water quality of the artificial lake .

  2. 通过接种疫苗和扑杀染病猪,猪蓝耳病疫情已得到“初步控制”,中国兽医局局长贾幼陵周一说。

    Blue-ear pig disease has been brought under " preliminary control " through vaccinations and mass culls of infected pigs , Jia Youling , China 's chief veterinary officer , said on Monday .

  3. 在点源污染得到初步控制的情况下,非点源污染已经成为水源地的重要污染源。

    Under the circumstance that point source pollution is basically controlled , non point source pollution has already become an important pollutant source .

  4. 贫困地区人口过快增长的势头得到初步控制,人口自然增长率有所下降。

    The hitherto-rapid population growth in the poverty-stricken areas has been on the whole put under control , and the population 's natural growth rate has decreased .

  5. 通过理论分析和控制原理可行性实验研究,证明该阀的控制原理完全可行,而且可使分流误差初步控制在1%以内。

    Both the theoretical analysis and the experimental research show that not only the control principle is feasible but also the flow-division error can be controlled within 1 % .

  6. 目的研究和选择更经济、有效的适合目前嗜人按蚊分布区控制疟疾暴发流行的防治措施以及在暴发流行已得到初步控制后疟疾疫点的控制和监测措施。

    Objective To study and select more effective and economic malaria control methods suitably used in the areas with Anopheles anthropophagus for control of outbreak and for malaria surveillance and foci malaria control after control of the outbreak .

  7. 对海绵细胞培养中原生生物污染进行研究,提出了初步的控制方法。

    The protist contamination and its controlling techniques were also investigated .

  8. 操控肢体:你能够初步的控制对手的肢体。

    Control Body . You take rudimentary control of foe 's limbs .

  9. 研究发热电缆融雪化冰系统的设计功率的主要影响因素:包括结构层的材料物性、气象条件、铺装方案等,提出铺装功率的指导方案,并提出单个回路和整个系统的初步自动控制方案。

    The factors that influence the input power of electric heating cable system are discussed .

  10. 本文试图从控制的角度出发,初步探讨控制在电大考试管理中的目的、作用和方法步骤。

    The paper try to discuss the goals , effects and steps of examination management at Radio TV University from the view of objective control .

  11. 经初步优化控制后的实船,在不规则波上的升沉和纵摇有义值分别下降26.9%和32.0%。

    The significant height of heave and pitch of full scale SWATH reduces 26.9 % and 32.0 % respectively in irregular wave by preliminary optimizing control system .

  12. 由确定控制矩阵K的方法获得了初步优化的控制规律;

    The method to determine control matrix K is deduced and a preliminary optimizing control rule is obtained ;

  13. 在初步了解车身控制系统方面的标准和设计模式后,设计了基于CAN总线和LIN总线的车门车窗控制演示系统。

    Depend on realize the standard and design rules of vehicles control system , design door and window control demo system based on CAN / LIN network .

  14. 此外,本文提出一种适用于IC项目流程的管理方案,并且结合PSPICE工具设计了一种自动化仿真和验证流程,实现了初步的质量控制。

    We also proposed an IC project management solution , developed an automatic simulation and checkage flow which applied to PSPICE , and achive the initial quality control .

  15. 以阶跃响应实验为基础,初步建立起控制系统的数学模型,设计了适用于该电热板的闭环温度控制系统。系统主要包括温度检测电路、PD控制器、电压-脉宽变换电路及执行元件。

    According to step-response experiment , math model of the hotplate was set up and the temperature of controlling system including temperature detection circuit , PD controller , voltage pulse-wide transforming circuit and executor was designed .

  16. 在综合分析N2O产生机理及影响因素的基础上,从工艺运行工况及微生物种群优化2个角度,初步提出了控制污水生物处理过程中N2O释放的策略。

    Finally , the preliminary strategies for controlling N_2O emission from wastewater treatment process were put forward on the basis of synthetically analysis of microbiological mechanism and factors affecting N_2O production .

  17. 智能隔震结构能量响应初步分析及控制效率评判

    A Preliminary Investigation to Energy Response of Smart Isolated Structures and Control Efficiency Evaluation

  18. 初步完成了控制系统外围电路元器件选型和设计工作。

    So far , the preliminary selection and design of peripheral circuit elements has been accomplished .

  19. 根据设置的安全策略对用户进行初步的访问控制和流量控制;

    Following the set security policy to execute preliminary access control and traffic control to the user ;

  20. 详细介绍了全球海洋气候资料数据集的处理过程及其初步的质量控制方法。

    The processing and methods of quality control about the Global Maritime Climate Data Set are introduced .

  21. 研究结果初步表明,控制授粉时气候及花枝位置对结实率的影响不显著,及时利用竹子田间自然开花并适时地进行人工授粉是可行的。

    It is suitable to carry out controlled pollination during the natural flowering period in bamboo field .

  22. 笔者还使用控制权竞争的博弈模型初步估算了控制权收益,解释了控制权收益值偏低的原因。

    Besides , we measure control rights benefits from game model , and find the reasons why control rights benefits are relatively low .

  23. 国家环保局最近的一次调查表明华东主要湖泊太湖的严重污染问题已初步得到了控制。

    A recent investigation of the environmental Protection Agency shows that the serious pollution problem of Taihu Lake has preliminarily been brought under control .

  24. 政府将控制艾滋病视为社会生存和发展问题,通过多部门合作、综合干预及有效的国际合作,使艾滋病得到了初步有效的控制。

    Botswana Government regards AIDS control as the social development issue and preliminarily controls the HIV / AIDS epidemic through multi-section cooperation , comprehensive intervention approach and effective international cooperation .

  25. 采用不完全积分PID控制算法初步实现了姿态控制的演示实验。

    DSP controller is chose as the system CPU and the attitude control demo experiment is achieved by generalized the incomplete integral PID control algorithm .

  26. 结论适用于潜艇X形舵的初步设计以及操纵控制系统,解决了X形舵在潜艇上应用的一个实际问题。

    The equivalent rudder angle can be used for primary design of the X rudder and the control system . It is helpful to the practical use of X type rudder on submarine .

  27. 其次为了克服回转窑现场专家知识提取的难题,提出了一种基于时间序列的模糊定量关联规则挖掘算法,并利用它从现场数据库中获取初步的MIMO专家控制规则。

    A new fuzzy quantitative association mining method based on time series is proposed for the acquirement of MIMO expert control knowledge of complex industry process in field database .

  28. 初步揭示了自我控制存在内隐作用机制。

    There is an implicit mechanism in self-control is initially revealed .

  29. 连续箱梁裂缝的初步分析和施工控制

    Preliminary analysis and quality control of continuous box girder crack

  30. 初步实现了集散控制和节能优化控制功能。

    Functions of distributed controlling and energy saving optimizing controlling were elementarily realized .