
  • 网络primitive society
  1. 石崇拜是初民社会中自然崇拜的一种基本形式。

    Stone - worshiping is a basic form of nature worship in the primitive society .

  2. 货币的出现,促进了人类从野蛮的初民社会向文明社会的转变。

    The currency appearance promoted the humanity transformation from the barbaric primitive people society to civilized society .

  3. 私力救济在初民社会是人们解决纠纷的常态,一直以来也是人们运用最为广泛的纠纷解决方式,并且广泛存在于现代社会。

    The self-remedy is the normal that the people solve the dispute in the early society , and it is always the most extensive way to solve the dispute , and it is exist in the modern society extensively .