
chū yè quán
  • Droit du seigneur;droit de seigneur
  1. 为赎回初夜权而付给部落首领或国王的赎金在法典上起着很大的作用。

    The money which had to be paid to the chief of the tribe or king to buy off his right of the first night , plays a large part in the code of laws .

  2. 土司统治时期,土家族出现了一些特殊婚俗,如初夜权、入赘婚等,但对偶婚仍然占据主导地位,这与当时土家族地区落后的经济相关。

    During the period of toast , Tujia had some special marriage customs , such as the first night right , uxorilocal , but the pairing marriage was still dominant . This is related to the backward economy of the Tujia areas .