
chū qī
  • seventh day of a lunar month
  1. 今天是农历的七月初七(七夕)。

    Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month .

  2. 阿美:今天是七月初七啊,中国情人节。

    May : It 's July7th.Chinese Valentine 's Day !

  3. 今天是农历的七月初七,所以叫七夕节。

    Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month , so , it is called qixi .

  4. 但是后来不幸被迫分开,只能在每年的七月初七这一天相会。

    Unfortunately , they were forced to separate and could only meet each other on July7th of every year .

  5. 我们当然有,是在农历七月初七。

    B : Of course we have . It 's on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month .

  6. 王母无奈,只好允许牛郎织女每年的七月初七在桥上相会一次。

    Finally , the Queen showed a little mercy , allowing the couple to meet once every year on the Silver River .

  7. 警方说,可能的受害者还包括在七月初七,两千五的伦敦交通爆炸案中丧生的亲属。

    Police say possible victims also include relatives of those killed in the London transport bombings on July seventh , two thousand five .

  8. 王母娘娘也被牛郎织女一家人的真挚情感打动了,只好准许他们每年七月初七相会一次。

    The family 's true feeling moved the Empress too and she had to permit them to meet every seventh day of the seventh lunar month .

  9. 农历七月初七,是中国民间传说中“牛郎织女”相会银河的日子。

    The seventh month of the lunar calendar month , is China 's folk tales of " the gigolo knit " meet the day of the Milky Way .

  10. 每年的七月初七,喜鹊们就会搭成一座桥,让牛郎织女一家人在桥上团聚。

    Each year , on the seventh day of the seventh month , they would flock together to form a bridge so that the family may enjoy a brief reunion .

  11. 七夕节,即每年农历七月初七是一个充满浪漫爱情的传统节日,也被称作“中国的情人节”。

    The Double Seventh Festival , on the7th day of the7th lunar month , is a traditional festival full of romance and it is also called as Chinese Valentine 's Day .

  12. 到人间并和人类结婚后勃然大怒。因此,这对夫妻被天上宽广汹涌的河流拆散,一年只能在阴历七月初七这天相见。

    Thus , the couple was separated by a wide swollen river in the sky and can only meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month .