
  1. 百年之前,在龙的指令下,淹没的欧尔帝国从海洋中浮出水面。

    One hundred years ago the drowned empire of Orr rose from the sea at a dragon 's command .

  2. 这可以追溯到上百年之前,那时,我们的祖先便开始在炎竹汶府(地名,盛产红宝石和热带水采)和北碧府(地名,位于泰国西部)开采红蓝宝石。

    starting hundreds of years ago when our ancestors mined rubies and sapphires in areas such as Chantaburi and Kanchanaburi .

  3. 也许到那时,我们就会知道为什么百年之前的蒙娜丽莎只是闭口浅笑了,也许是因为她的牙不好呢。

    Perhaps then we can understand why Mona Lisa pursed her lips hundreds of years ago . Maybe it was bad teeth after all ?

  4. 除了拥有最新的藏品,或者那些至少不古老的藏品,布洛德艺术馆好像本应当存在于一个世纪之前,也非常像百年之前的东西。

    Apart from most of the objects being new , or at least not old , the Broad could have existed , pretty much as is , a century ago .

  5. 《西洋科学史》作为一本较早传入中国的科学史典籍,在历史地位上有一定研究价值,展现给读者的是百年之前学者对科学史之所学、所知、所长、所感。

    The Western History of Science is an early the science of history book and which shows the study for the history of science in one hundred years ago . It has a certain historical value in the historical position .