
  • 网络Bristol-Myers Squibb;Bristol Myers Squibb;bms;Bristol-Myers Squibb Company;BMY
  1. 百时美施贵宝公司(Bristol-MyersSquibbCo.)正在进行几种CGRP拮抗药的早期研究,其它公司也在对类似药物进行测试或者准备开始进行开发。

    Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. is conducting several early stage studies on CGRP antagonists and other companies are testing or may begin development of similar compounds as well .

  2. 每两周,他接受一次静脉Yervoy和Opdivo注射,两种药都是由百时美施贵宝公司(Bristol-MyersSquibb)制造的。

    Every two weeks , he had intravenous infusions of Yervoy and Opdivo , both made by Bristol-Myers Squibb .

  3. 随后引发的财政混乱导致了百时美施贵宝的总裁下台。

    The resulting financial chaos led to the ousting of Bristol-Myers ' s boss .

  4. 辉瑞已落在百时美施贵宝(BMS)和美国默克(Merck)等竞争对手后面,后两者已推出第一波免疫疗法药物——检查点抑制剂(checkpointinhibitor)。

    Pfizer has fallen behind rivals such as Bristol-Myers Squibb and US Merck , which have already launched the first wave of immunotherapies , known as checkpoint inhibitors .

  5. 在开发这种所谓癌症免疫疗法的公司中,默克集团(Merck&Co)、百时美施贵宝(Bristol-MyersSquibb)、罗氏(Roche)及阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)赫然在列。这种免疫疗法的原理,是利用机体的免疫力对抗癌细胞。

    Merck & Co , Bristol-Myers Squibb , Roche and AstraZeneca are among those developing so-called cancer immunotherapies that harness the body 's immune system to fight tumours .

  6. 再鼎医药从赛诺菲(Sanofi)和百时美施贵宝(Bristol-MyersSquibb)等大型制药商伙伴那里,获得了一些处于临床试验阶段的药物的授权,但杜莹的长期目标在于研发本土药物。

    The company has licensed experimental treatments from big pharma partners including Sanofi and Bristol-Myers Squibb , but Ms Du 's long-term focus is on developing homegrown drugs .

  7. 这项覆盖945名病人的研究表明,两种来自百时美施贵宝(Bristol-MyersSquibb)的提高免疫力的药物——纳武单抗(Opdivo)和伊匹单抗(Yervoy)——搭配在一起,在治疗晚期黑色素瘤中比任意一种更有效。

    The 945-patient study shows that the combination of two immune-boosting drugs from Bristol-Myers Squibb - Opdivo and Yervoy - is more effective than either drug alone in treating advanced melanoma .

  8. 以百时美施贵宝(Bristol-MyersSquibb)剥离的美国美赞臣(MeadJohnsonNutrition)为例,其2011年销售收入和利润分别增长了14%和15%,其股票的预期市盈率达到26倍。

    Take Mead Johnson Nutrition in the US , spun off by Bristol-Myers Squibb . Its sales and earnings grew 14 per cent and 15 per cent , respectively , in 2011 , and its shares trade on 26 times forward earnings .

  9. 百时美施贵宝、默克与罗氏(Roche)等研发此类药物的公司的研究显示,此类药物在治疗PD-L1呈阳性的肿瘤时有着大得多的成功率。

    Studies by Bristol-Myers and Merck as well as Roche , which is also developing such a drug , have shown that there was a much greater success rate using the drugs to treat tumors that were positive for PD-L1 .

  10. 就在不到三个月前,百时美施贵宝曾表示,公司将对其营养品业务和旗下的伤口愈合产品供应商康复宝(convatec)进行战略评估,以便专注于成为一家全球生物制药公司。

    The move comes less than three months after BMS said it would conduct a strategic review of both its nutritionals business and Convatec , the wound care products supplier it owns , in order to focus on becoming a global biopharmaceutical company .

  11. 于是,猜测辉瑞的收购目标成了当前最热门的话题:百时美施贵宝?

    Thus , speculation has become a takeover target Pfizer today 's hottest topic : Bristol-Myers Squibb ?

  12. 百时美施贵宝拥有70亿美金来收购其他公司。

    The firm also has some $ 7 billion in cash with which to pursue other acquisitions .

  13. 他表示,当2008年2月标售利率证券市场崩盘时,百时美施贵宝损失了6亿美元。

    Mr Robinson said that this cost BMS $ 600m when the auction rate note market collapsed in February 2008 .

  14. 百时美施贵宝公司的这种化合作用机制与以前由先灵葆雅公司推出的和顶点医药公司的蛋白酶抑制剂不同。

    The Bristol-Myers compound works differently than the protease inhibitors being developed by Merck 's Schering-Plough division and Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.

  15. 一些常用药包括非专利药二甲双胍,它是百时美施贵宝公司的产品,商品名叫格华止。

    Some common medications include metformin , which is available generically and also known by the Bristol-Myers Squibb brand name Glucophage .

  16. 百时美施贵宝公司的一位女发言人说,谈论公司将何时申请批准该药还为时过早。

    A spokeswoman for Bristol-Myers said it was premature to say when the company would apply for approval of the drug .

  17. 分析员说:对药物延长寿命的要求必然使辉瑞和百时美施贵宝的计划实现难度加大。

    Demanding evidence that a drug prolongs life may make it harder to gain FDA support for Pfizer and Bristol-Myers , analysts say .

  18. 过去几年间,为了改变商业模式,药业巨头百时美施贵宝和葛兰素史克均裁员约1千人。

    Drug giants Bristol-Myers Squibb and GlaxoSmithKline have each laid off some 1000 employees in the past few years , attributing the moves to changes in their business model .

  19. 几年前,美国百时美施贵宝公司在上海设立其在中国的第一家合资企业,投资仅五百万美元。

    A few years ago , US Bristol-Myers Squibb Company established its first joint venture enterprise in China in Shanghai , with an investment of only 5 million US dollars .

  20. 排在食品巨人阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰和药业巨兽百时美施贵宝的之前,并紧随在沃尔玛、通用汽车和石油巨头科氏工业集团的后面。

    It ranks ahead of food giant Archer Daniels Midland , pharmaceutical behemoth Bristol Myers Squibb and just behind in ranking of Wal-mart , General Motors and oil magnate , Koch Industries .

  21. 百时美施贵宝的股票在周五下跌了近百分之七,尽管一项临床实验结果似乎带来了好消息,显示纳武单抗可以延长罹患主要类型肺癌的病患的生命。

    Shares of Bristol-Myers fell nearly 7 percent on Friday based on what would seem to be positive clinical trial results showing that Opdivo could prolong the lives of patients with the most common form of lung cancer .

  22. 生物分析在药物研发中的功能和实践,朱明社博士,部门主管,百时美-施贵宝药业(美国)

    Role and Practice of Bioanalysis in Drug Discovery and Development , Mingshe Zhu , Ph.D. , Bristol-Myers Squibb , NJ , USA.

  23. 药物在筛选中的优化以及在早期开发中的策略徐文祺博士,高级主管,百时美-施贵宝药业(美国)

    Optimization in Drug Candidate Selection and Strategy in Early Drug Development , Wen Chyi Shyu , Ph.D. , Bristol-Myers Squibb , NJ , USA.