
  1. 他邀请了差不多一百人,但很多人都来不了。

    He has invited nearly a hundred people but a lot aren 't able to come .

  2. 一鞋难合百人足。

    Every shoe fits not every foot .

  3. 欧洲上百人因E大肠杆菌爆发而生病。

    Hundreds of people across Europe have gotten sick because of the E.coli outbreak .

  4. 例句:Aboutfortymiles,roughlyspeaking大致说来,约四十英里那里大约有两百人。

    There were roughly 200 people there .

  5. 他是在位于纽约的美籍华裔组织百人会(Committeeof100)的一个会议上发表上述讲话的。

    He was speaking at a conference of the Committee of 100 , a Chinese-American group in New York .

  6. MikeHenry已经向数百人出售了他的发明,主要是一些小农场主,他们还有其他的工作要做,像他本人一样。

    Mike Henry has sold his to hundreds of people , mainly small farmers who also hold other jobs -- just as he does .

  7. 据NPR新闻的安德鲁·帕森斯报道,上百人在阿灵顿国家公墓出席了今天的纪念仪式。

    NPR 's Andrew Parsons reports hundreds attended commemorations today at Arlington National Cemetery .

  8. 巴拿马有上百人因为服用含有DEG(二甘醇,用于防冻剂中)的止咳糖浆而死亡。

    A hundred people died in Panama from drinking cough-syrup containing DEG ( diethylene glycol , which is used in antifreeze ) .

  9. 本文专注于MCNP辅助建模系统的研发,该系统是中科院百人计划&数字化反应堆项目的重要组成部分。

    The thesis concentrates on researching developing Computer Aided Modeling System of MCNP . It is a sub-project of one hundred talents project-Digital Reactor .

  10. 自1997年香港AIV感染人事件以来,已有近百人被发现死于AIV感染,而且仍不断有新病例出现。

    Since the infection of human being by AIV in Hong Kong in 1997 , there have been nearly one hundred people dieing of AIV infection .

  11. 孟淑娟以为她的下一份工作会在中国,但百人会(Committeeof100)接洽了她,请她出任执行董事。百人会是杰出美籍华人组织,致力于改善美中关系。

    Mong thought her next job would be in China , but she was approached about the executive directorship of the Committee of 100 , a group of prominent Americans of Chinese descent focused on improving US-China relations .

  12. AOL已经雇用了500名全职记者,其中包括9位普利策奖得主,还计划再招数百人。这些人中的大部分服务于一家超本地化的通讯社。

    The company has hired 500 full-time journalists – including nine Pulitzer prize winners – and plans to hire hundreds more , mostly for a hyper-local news service .

  13. 结果显示,TTR仅增加7%就可以使严重出血下降1例每百人年。

    For instance , a small increment in TTR , of 7 % , can lead to a reduction in major haemorrhage by 1 event per 100 patient years of treatment .

  14. 两大宗教团体之间持续不断的紧张局势已经从缅甸西部的若开邦(Rakhine)蔓延至该国其它地区。冲突导致数百人死亡,成千上万的穆斯林流离失所。

    Continuing tensions between the two religious groups have spread from the western Rakhine state across other areas of the country , leaving hundreds dead and thousands of Muslims displaced .

  15. 在叙利亚,有报道称,一位英国官员说了类似于这样的话,“一个新的规模下的暴行需要来自国际社会明确的谴责。据R.E.报道,积极分子称,叙利亚政府部队昨天冲进一处大马士革郊区,处死上百人。”

    In Syria , there are reports of what a British official says could be , quote , " an atrocity on a new scale requiring unequivocal condemnation from the international community . As R. E. reports , activists say Syrian government troopsswept intoa suburb of Damascus yesterday , executing hundreds . "

  16. 上百人到这儿挖掘埋藏的宝藏。

    Hundreds of people came here to dig for buried treasure .

  17. 在印控克什米尔地区,官员说死亡人数在1千4百人。

    In Indian Kashmir , officials say 14-hundred people were killed .

  18. 可同时供一百人就餐。

    A hundred people can be served at one sitting .

  19. 使投入,使埋首数百人因为这场地震被活埋。

    Because of the earthquake , hundreds of people were buried alive .

  20. 在这场民族冲突中,大概已有上百人丧生。

    Scores , perhaps hundreds , have been killed in ethnic clashes .

  21. 贝格雷先生还是美国商会百人会成员。

    Balestrero also is a member of the Committee of100 of the U.

  22. 吕利创作的戏剧百人芭蕾

    Plays , ballets with a hundred dancers by Lully .

  23. 据报道,失踪在泛滥洪水中的人数已达上百人。

    The widespread flooding has led to hundreds of missing person reports .

  24. 他们都是族长,是大能的勇士。按着家谱计算,他们的子孙共有二万零二百人。

    Their genealogical record listed the heads of families and20,200 fighting men .

  25. 大约有两三百人围着马修逊的雪撬。

    There were two or three hundred men around Matthewson 's sledge .

  26. 是上百人前来悼念

    were the hundreds of people who came to pay their respects .

  27. 他派给凯撒六百人的部队。

    He sent Caesar a force of six thousand men .

  28. 已经开始搜捕五六百人的人群

    are beginning to pick up units of 500 , 600 humans .

  29. 近百人在昨夜旅馆的大火中丧生。

    Almost a hundred people perished in the hotel fire last night .

  30. 他们帮我们解决了上百人的生计问题

    And they have helped us with hundreds of peoples ' lives .