
  1. 《百家公案》作为我国小说史上的第一部公案小说集,对其他明公案小说集具有重要影响。

    Anthology of Detective Stories , the first collection of detective stories , had important influences on other collections of detective stories in Ming dynasty .

  2. 包公文学的因袭不仅仅存在于相同体裁的文学形式之间,如《龙图公案》对《百家公案》的抄袭、改编,而且也表现在说唱文学与小说之间的互动。

    The adaptation in the Bao Gong literature exists not only between the literary works of the same genre ( e.g. The Detective Stories of Long Tu is an adaptation of Anthology of Detective Stories ), but also between story-telling and ballad-singing literature and novels .