
  1. 百色水电站进水塔抗震分析

    Aseismic analysis on intake tower of Beise Hydropower Station

  2. 百色水电站设计采用全计算机监控系统。

    The design of the Baise hydropower station used full computer monitoring-controlling system .

  3. 百色水电站进水塔结构布置和稳定应力分析

    Structure Arrangement and Stability-Stress Analysis on Intake Tower of Hydropower Station of Baise Project

  4. 百色水电站高边坡开挖模拟及稳定性分析

    Simulation of Stage Excavation and Stability Analysis of High Slope of Baise Hydropower Station

  5. 百色水电站进水口高边坡与塔基处理设计

    Design of Intake High Slope and Treatment of Intake Tower Foundation for Baise Hydropower Station

  6. 深进去的伤口、裂缝、边缘、搁板百色水电站进水口左侧边坡稳定复核

    A deep wound , cleft , border , shelf Recheck stability of left bank slope at water intake of Baise HPP

  7. 将该方法应用于百色水电站的尾水系统动态仿真计算中,并对尾水隧洞洞型进行优化,得到了满意的结果。

    The method is adopted in the tail-race system dynamic simulation calculation of Baise hydropower station , and the tailrace tunnel shape is optimized , so the satisfying result is worked out .

  8. 电气主接线的计算机辅助设计百色水利枢纽水电站电气主接线设计

    Design of main electrical wiring diagram for Baise Multipurpose Dam Project

  9. 百色水利枢纽升压站是电站工程的重要配套工程。

    Electric power step-up substation is the important corollary engineering of Baise hydropower station .

  10. 百色水利枢纽水电站引水隧洞工程地质条件及开挖支护

    Engineering geological conditions , excavation and support of water diversion tunnel of Baise Multipurpose Dam Project

  11. 浅析百色水利枢纽水电站工程主要建筑物工程地质条件

    Elementary analysis of engineering geological conditions of key structures of power plant of Baise multipurpose dam project

  12. 介绍了百色水利枢纽水电站技术供水系统的组成、配置、工作原理,以及部分关键设备的设计、选型。

    An introduction was made on the composition , working principal , design and selection of some key equipment of the HPP technical water supply system of Baise Multipurpose Dam Project .

  13. 百色水利枢纽水电站工程进水口地质条件复杂、垂直边坡的稳定问题十分突出,也可能给工程竣工后正常运营留下安全隐患。

    The geological condition at the intake of Baise power plant is complicated , and the stability of vertical side slope is a very outstanding problem which may lead to hidden trouble for the normal operation after construction is completed .

  14. 结合百色水利枢纽水电站工程对预应力锚杆的施工程序、施工工艺、质量控制进行论述,应用效果表明能有效防止岩体滑动与变形,满足工程要求φ产生的抗滑力。

    The author introduce the construction program and technique as well as the quality control of prestressed anchor in the construction of powerhouse of Baise multipurpose dam project . Application results demonstrate that prestressed anchor can effectively prevent rock body sliding and deformation , so as to fulfill engineering requirement .