
  • 网络Chlorothalonil wettable powder;Chlorothalonil wetable powders
  1. 50%复配百菌清可湿性粉剂配方试验研究

    Study on the Formulation of 50 % Compound Chlorothalonil Wettable Powder

  2. 75%百菌清可湿性粉剂的研究

    Studies of 75 % Chlorothalonil WP

  3. GB9552-198875%百菌清可湿性粉剂

    75 % Chlorothalonil wettable powder

  4. 结果显示,600倍百菌清75%可湿性粉剂加入生根粉中,防腐和生根效果明显,具有提高香石竹扦插成活的作用。

    Our results showed it 's very effective to antisepsis and rootage which added 600-fold chlorthalonil 75 % wettable powder to rootone , and it can also enhance survival of carnation cuttage .