
  1. 方法:自愿接受者36例,采用单纯丙泊酚(1.0-1.5mg/kg)iv施行无痛胃镜检查。

    METHODS : Intravenous propofol ( 1.0-1.5 mg / kg ) sedation was used in 36 volunteers during gastroscopy .

  2. 无痛胃镜检查中呼吸困难1例

    One case of dyspnea in gastroscopic examination under intravenous anesthesis

  3. 目的探讨无痛胃镜检查中的最佳给氧方式。

    Objective To explore a way of oxygen offering in painless gastroscopy .

  4. 舒芬太尼-丙泊酚与麻黄碱静脉复合麻醉在无痛胃镜检查中的应用

    Application of sufentanil propofol and ephedrine introvenous combined anesthesia in painless gastroscopy

  5. 靶控丙泊酚阶梯用药在无痛胃镜检查术中的应用

    The application of target control propofol given by steps for painless gastroscopy

  6. 异丙酚在无痛胃镜检查中的观察与护理

    Observation and Nursing of Propofol Anesthesia in Painless Gastroscopy

  7. 结论:异丙酚静脉麻醉用于无痛胃镜检查是一种安全有效的方法。

    Conclusion : Propofol in the operation of gastroscopy is safe and effective .

  8. 无痛胃镜检查可提高儿童胃镜检查的配合率,明确病因可提高治疗效果。

    No pain gastroscopy is suitable for children .

  9. 咪哒唑仑与芬太尼联合应用于无痛胃镜检查的观察与护理

    Observation and nursing care in painless gastroscopy by combined application of Midazolam and Fentanyl

  10. 药物联合麻醉在无痛胃镜检查中的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Painless Gastroscopy with Combined Anesthesia

  11. 无痛胃镜检查的临床应用研究

    Clinic application study on painless gastroscope inspection

  12. 无痛胃镜检查1100例报道

    Report of painless gastroscopy in 1100 patient

  13. 目的观察小剂量芬太尼用于无痛胃镜检查的临床效果。

    Objective To observe the small dose of fentanyl used in the clinical effect of painless gastroscopy .

  14. 无痛胃镜检查术是适当应用静脉麻醉药物,使患者在麻醉状态下完成检查的一种方法。

    Objective To explore the feasibility and safety of propofol combined with remifentanil in intravenous anesthesia for gastroscopy .

  15. 由此表明,小剂量咪达唑仑联合丙泊酚应用于无痛胃镜检查安全有效。

    It is suggested that a small dose of midazolam combined with propofol is safe and effective for painless gastroscopy .

  16. 因此,为了解决上述问题,探讨一种适合儿童无痛胃镜检查的麻醉方法变得十分重要。

    Therefore , in order to solve these problems , children of a suitable method of anesthesia painless gastroscopy become very important .

  17. 结论辅以内镜面罩给氧进行无痛胃镜检查在维持生命体征指标上优于鼻塞管给氧,使无痛胃镜检查更为安全。

    Conclusion The application of oxygen inhalation with a special facial mask during propofol-sedated gastroscopy appears to be more safer than that of oxygen inhalation via snuffle tube .

  18. 结论丙泊酚在无痛胃镜检查中的用量,青壮年在2.0mg/kg以上,老年人随着年龄的增大而减少,在2.0mg/kg以下。

    Conclusion The propofol dosage in painless gastroscopy is above 2mg / kg for young adults , but for the elderly , with the age increasing , the dosage decreasing , was less than 2mg / kg .

  19. 结论无痛胃镜检查,不给氧不可取,用鼻导管给氧存在一定风险,而用麻醉机面罩给氧和进行高频喷射通气给氧是安全有效的方法。

    Conclusion Painless gastroscopy , no oxygen offering no proper , and offering oxygen with nose tube is dangerous , the safe and valid ways are offering oxygen with mask of anesthesia machine and with high frequency jet ventilation .

  20. 改良无痛电子胃镜检查1077例应用体会

    Experiences on the application of non-pain endoscopy in 1 077 cases

  21. 丙泊酚在无痛苦胃镜检查术中对血流动力学和血气的影响

    The Effect of Propofol on Hemodynamics and Blood in Painless Gastroscopy

  22. 芬太尼及得普利麻联合无痛苦胃镜检查术

    Effects of Fentanyl Combined with Diprivan for Painless Gastroscopy

  23. 无护理并发症发生。无痛苦胃镜检查及其护理

    Painless gastroscope examination and nursing care of them

  24. 结论无痛性胃镜检查的护理操作程序有利于胃镜检查和麻醉的顺利实施。

    Conclusion The nursing operative program of painless gastroscopic examination is helpful for the implement of gastroscopic examination and anesthesia .

  25. 目的总结分析无痛性胃镜检查的护理要点,制订一系列护理操作程序的可行性。

    Objective To summarize and analyze the key points of nursing of painless gastroscopic examination , and work out a suit of nursing operative program .

  26. 瑞芬太尼起效迅速,而且由于其在血液和组织中被非特异性脂酶迅速降解,作用时间十分短暂,似乎是应用于无痛苦胃镜检查的理想药物。

    Remifentanil is characterized by a rapid onset of analgesia and a very short duration of action , which is attributed to its rapid hydrolysis by esterases in blood and tissue . It seems that remifentanil is a better anesthetic for gastroscopy .

  27. 目的评估老年患者接受超细径无痛性电子胃镜检查的顺应性。

    Objective To evaluate compliance of elderly undergoing super-slender diameter and pain-less endoscopy examination .

  28. 护理配合标准指南在无痛胃镜、无痛肠镜检查中应用的效果

    Application Effects of Cooperation Standard Guideline of Nursing in Painless Gastroscope and Painless Enterosarcoma Examination

  29. 目的探讨同时进行无痛胃镜、无痛肠镜检查对上消化道疾病诊断与治疗的优越性。

    Objective To explore the advantage of simultaneous application of painless gastroscopy and painless enteroscopy in the diagnosis and the treatment of upper digestive tract diseases .

  30. 无痛苦胃镜术一般2~10min清醒,100%病人非常满意。结论无痛苦胃镜检查术确为一种安全、有效、舒适的新技术。

    Conclusions The painless gastroscopy is a safe , effective and comfortable technique .