
  1. 结论:仕泰栓配伍米索进行无痛流产疗效好又经济。

    Conclusion : Compound naproxen suppositories combined with misoprostol for painless artificial abortion has better effect , and is cheap .

  2. 目的观察迷达唑仑对丙泊酚所致无痛流产病人兴奋和梦幻的预防作用。

    Objective To observe the effect of midazolam in the prevention of excitement and illusion caused by propofol in painless induced abortion .

  3. 结论迷达唑仑能有效地预防丙泊酚所致无痛流产病人兴奋和梦幻副作用的发生。

    Conclusion Midazolam can effectively prevent the occurrence of adverse effects , such as excitement and illusion caused by propofol in painless induced abortion .

  4. 目的:观察米索前列醇用于异丙酚静脉麻醉下人工流产术中,不同给药途径的临床效果,以选择最佳的无痛流产方法。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of different approaches of misoprostol in painless artificial abortion by intravenous propofol , and to find the best way of painless artificial abortion .

  5. 方法要求无痛流产的早孕病人100例,随机分为两组,对照组应用丙泊酚复合芬太尼静脉注射麻醉,实验组应用迷达唑仑复合丙泊酚、芬太尼静脉注射麻醉。

    Methods Of 100 early pregnant women requiring painless abortion were randomly divided into two groups . For those in control group were anaesthetized with propofol-fantasy compound and those in the experimental group with midazolam-propofol compound and fentanyl through mainline .

  6. 目的:探讨氧化亚氮(N2O)吸入麻醉下行无痛人工流产的有效性与安全性。

    Objective : To investigate the analgesic effect and the safety of N2O inhaled in induced abortion .

  7. 方法500例早孕要求人工流产孕妇随机分为A、B两组,A组用咪唑安定+芬太尼+丙泊酚,B组用芬太尼+丙泊酚行无痛人工流产术。

    Methods : 500 pregnant patients required induced abortion were randomized into A group ( test group : midazolam + fentanyl + propofol ) and B group ( control group : fentanyl + propofol ) .

  8. 结论资料表明D组病人在麻醉诱导前2min静脉给于阿托品及芬太尼而后进行异丙酚复合静脉麻醉,辅以异丙酚静脉推注维持,能较好地满足无痛人工流产术的要求。

    Conclusions The anesthesia of intravenous allaying propofol with atropin-fentanyl can fulfill the requirement of painless artificial abortion .

  9. 瑞芬太尼微泵输注用于无痛人工流产术的临床研究

    Clinical study on remifentanil infusion with minipump for painless artificial abortion

  10. 瑞芬太尼在无痛人工流产术中的增效作用

    Synergistic effect on operation of painless induced abortion by applying remifentanil

  11. 可视无痛人工流产术的临床观察及护理

    The clinical observation and nursing of a visual painless induced abortion

  12. 丙泊酚复合曲马多用于无痛人工流产术600例临床分析

    Assessment of propofol combined with tramadol for analgesia of induced abortion

  13. 异丙酚对无痛人工流产术病人呼吸力学的影响

    The influence of propofol on respiratory mechanics during painless induced abortion

  14. 异丙酚一曲马多复合麻醉用于无痛人工流产

    Application of compound anesthesia with propofol and tramadol to induced abortion

  15. 普鲁泊福静脉麻醉与氧化亚氮吸入无痛人工流产的疗效观察

    Anesthetization by Propofol and Inhale Nitrous Oxide for Painless Induced Abortion

  16. 异丙酚联合米索前列醇用于无痛人工流产的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Propofol Combining Misoprostol for Painless Artificial Abortion

  17. 异丙酚配伍氯诺昔康用于无痛人工流产术的效果评估

    Effects of Propofol - lornoxicam Combination on Analgesic Artificial Abortion

  18. 小剂量舒芬太尼复合丙泊酚用于无痛人工流产术的临床观察

    Clinical observation of low-dose sufentanil combined with propofol used for painless abortion

  19. 咪达唑仑、芬太尼、丙泊酚联合用于无痛人工流产术

    Effect of midazolam combined with propofol and fentanyl on painless artificial abortion

  20. 门诊无痛人工流产中应用瑞芬太尼的合适剂量

    Approach to Optimal Dosage of Remifentanil in Painless Artificial Abortion

  21. 异丙酚无痛人工流产时静脉注射缩宫素可致血液循环严重波动异丙酚加缩宫素联合应用于无痛人流术中的临床观察

    Clinical treatment with combination of propofol and oxytocin in painless abortion surgery

  22. 三种麻醉方法用于无痛人工流产术临床比较观察

    Comparison of Three Anesthetic Methods on Induced Abortion of Indolence

  23. 无痛人工流产术应用氧化亚氮镇痛效果的临床观察

    Clinical observation of analgesic effects with inhaling N2O during the induced abortion

  24. 心理护理在无痛人工流产术中的应用

    Mental Nursing Care to Patients Undergoing Anodynia Induced Abortion

  25. 异丙酚在无痛人工流产术时联合用药的临床观察

    The effect of intravenous alliance prescription anesthesia with propofol on painless artificial abortion

  26. 500例无痛人工流产术病人的护理

    Nursing Care of 500 Cases Underwent Painless Artificial Abortion

  27. 芬太尼一异丙酚复合麻醉在无痛人工流产中的应用

    Application of fentanyl-propofol compound anesthesia in painless artificial abortion

  28. 异丙酚复合瑞芬太尼靶控输注用于无痛人工流产术的临床观察

    Observation of Propofol Plus Remifentanyl Given by Target-controlled Infusion for Analgesic Artificial Abortion

  29. 复合静脉麻醉实施无痛人工流产800例临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Compound Intravenous Anesthesia on 800 Cases of Induced Abortion

  30. 丙泊酚联合小剂量布托啡诺用于无痛人工流产的效果观察

    Effect of propofol combined with small doses of butorphanol on painless artificial abortion