
shū jiǎn
  • thin out;prune off
疏剪 [shū jiǎn]
  • [prune off] 把树上生长过密的或不需要的枝条剪掉

疏剪[shū jiǎn]
  1. 当初要是分几个冬天疏剪树木,会比一下子疏剪完效果好。

    It would have been better to have thinned the trees over several winters rather than all at one time

  2. 疏剪不同穗位小穗对小麦籽粒结实和粒重的影响

    Effects of removing spikelets in different locations on wheat setting kernels and grain weight

  3. 随着夏季的进程,他给树木喷了两次药炎,而当苹果成熟时,他就疏剪了枝叶。

    He sprayed twice more as summer progressed , and as the apples matured , he thinned them .

  4. 这时候,也同时疏枝并剪去残枝。

    At this time , trim away crowded and damaged branches , too .