
  • 网络Relieving Qi Stagnancy in Liver
  1. 多数医家认为,AFL的病理因素为痰湿瘀,治疗多以疏肝理气、活血化瘀、祛湿化痰为主。

    Many doctors consider that the pathological factors of AFL are Phlegm , Dampness and Stagnant blood And clearing the liver and regulating Qi , eliminating the stagnant and activating the blood , eliminating damp and dissolving phlegm are the mainly therapy .

  2. 疏肝理气活血方治疗心律失常的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of " Shugan Liqi Huoxue Decoction " in Treating Arrhythmia

  3. 疏肝理气法治疗肝郁气滞型胃痛25例体会

    Experience on the Treatment of 25 Cases of Stomachache with Soothing the Liver and Regulating Qi

  4. 疏肝理气与祛痰化瘀法治疗子宫内膜异位症33例的的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Methods of Soothing Liver , Regulating Qi , Expelling Phlegm and Removing Stasis for Endometriosis

  5. 疏肝理气和胃法治疗本病比西医的对症处理更全面,更符合治疗需要。

    This method of soothing liver , invigorating spleen and regulating stomach is more in line with the treatment of this disease .

  6. 结论疏肝理气中药与活血化瘀药可改善有抑郁症状食管癌患者的精神症状,提高食管癌的局控率与病人的生存率。

    Conclusion Traditional chinese medicine can improve the mental condition of esophageal carcinoma patients with depression , increase the local control rate and survival rate .

  7. 疏肝理气法对功能性消化不良大鼠下丘脑胃血浆胃泌素的影响

    The Effect of the Method of Soothing the Liver and Regulating qi on Gastrin in Hypothalamus , Gastric Antrum and Plasma of Functional Dyspepsia Model Rats

  8. 临床实验过程中,未见药物所致的毒副作用和不良反应,提示疏肝理气法治疗功能性消化不良安全有效。

    Clinical trial process , no drugs due to side effects and adverse reactions , suggesting that liver Qi method is safe and effective treatment of functional dyspepsia .

  9. 疏肝理气止痛治疗胃痛病163例疗效观察

    Curative observation on 163 cases of stomachache treated with principle of relieving the depressed liver , soothing the liver , regulating the circulation of Qi and alleviating pain

  10. 功能性消化不良大鼠下丘脑和胃窦胃泌素、生长抑素的表达及疏肝理气法的干预

    The Expression of Gastrin and Somatostatin in Hypothalamus and Gastric Antrum of Rats with Functional Dyspepsia and the Intervention of the Method of Soothing the Liver and Regulating Qi

  11. 应用疏肝理气法治疗胃痛病163例,有效率93%。

    Principle of relieving the depressed liver , soothing the liver , regulating the circulation of Qi and alleviating pain was applied to treat 163 cases of stomach-ache . The effective rate was 93 % .

  12. 治法有疏肝理气法、清肝泻火法、化痰开郁法、补益心脾法、滋养肝肾法;

    The therapeutic method included that the method of dispersing the depressed liver-energy , clearing liver for purging pathogenic fire , eliminating sputum to relief depression , tonifying spleen and heart , nourishing liver and kidney ;

  13. 既往国家自然科学基金资助项目理气扶正类中药消除运动性疲劳的机理研究表明,理气扶正类中药即疏肝理气和益气健脾类中药可以起到调节兴奋性和抑制性神经递质失调的作用。

    Previous Natural Science Foundation-funded projects " adjusting and nourishing Qi with Chinese medicine to eliminate fatigue " shows that soothing the liver and invigorating the spleen medicine have a better regulation of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter imbalance in the Role .

  14. 免疫性不孕临床常见证型有肝肾亏虚、肝郁气滞、血瘀、湿毒内蕴等,治疗从补益肝肾、疏肝理气、活血化瘀、解毒燥湿立法。

    The immune infertility clinical common syndromes include liver and kidney deficiency , liver qi stagnation , blood stasis , damp toxin intrinsic treatment of liver and kidney tonic , liver qi , promoting blood circulation , detoxification dampness legislation . 6 .

  15. 本文在总结导师多年治疗抑郁症的临床经验的基础上,参阅古今文献,认为肝郁伤神是抑郁症的主要病机之一,提出用疏肝理气、解郁安神法治疗抑郁症。

    Based on systematically review of past dynasties and tutor 's many years clinical experience , the theory that the stagnation of the circulation of liver 's vital energy and overtax one 's nerves is the main pathogenesis of the depression was put forward .

  16. 目的:探讨以疏肝理气、化瘀止痛为法的逍遥舒坤汤治疗气滞血瘀型慢性盆腔炎的疗效及作用机理。

    Objective To investigate the effects and mechanism of XIAO YAO SHU KUN TANG which taking functions of dispersing the depressed liver-energy , regulating vital energy , dissolving stasis and alleviating pain as the principle of composing prescription to treat chronic pelvic inflammatory disease of qi-stagnancy and blood stasis type .