
xǐ jiǎo
  • wash one's feet
  1. 她跪在那生客前面的石头上,开始给他浸湿、洗脚。

    Kneeling on the stones before the stranger she began to bathe and wash his feet .

  2. 所以用它洗脚会更轻松。

    So washing feet with it will more relaxed .

  3. 对于老年人来说,电动洗脚盆是最好的发明。

    As for old people , an electric foot basinis the best invention .

  4. 这个特殊的盆子可以使水温不变,用它洗脚能让老年人保持温暖、更加健康。

    The special basin can keep the water warm . So washing feet with it will help old people become healthier and more relaxed .

  5. 你要是不认认真真洗脚指头中间那块儿,就会有土豆从那儿长出来。

    If you don 't clean the gaps8 between your toes properly , you 'll start growing potatoes out of them .

  6. 这也让我们回想起艺术史上无数描绘抹大拉的玛丽亚(MaryMagdalene)用泪水与香膏涂抹在基督的脚还有基督自己给门徒洗脚场景的画作。

    It also calls tomind countless portrayals in the history of art of Mary Magdalene anointingChrist 's feet with perfume and tears and Christ himself washing the feet of hisapostles .

  7. 相反,英国艺术家大卫·本勃格(DavidBomberg)在1925年就此题材创作的一幅不那么知名的作品“洗脚”,却将我们猛地带入一个全新的视角。

    By contrast , a less well-known treatment ofthe subject by the British artist David Bomberg , Washing of the Feet ( 1925 ) , jolts our gaze into fresh perspective .

  8. 我们的朋友正在给我们“洗脚”及做另外更多的事。

    Our friends were washing feet and a whole lot more .

  9. 在那之前,我们要跟随耶稣的命令彼此洗脚。

    Before that , we will follow Jesus'command to wash feet .

  10. 主人,我永远都不让你给我洗脚。

    Master , I will never let you wash my feet .

  11. 于是,我便做起了为妈妈洗脚的准备工作。

    Then , I started to wash feet for a mother .

  12. 用来暖脚、洗脚或给脚消毒的小盆。

    A small bath for warming or washing or disinfecting the feet .

  13. 记得刷牙、洗脸、洗脚。

    Brush your teeth , wash your face and feet .

  14. 所以晚饭前,他让他去湖边洗脚。

    So he sent him to the lake to wash before dinner .

  15. 他洗了脚,进行了一个洗脚的仪式。

    He has a foot washing , there 's a foot washing ceremony .

  16. 一会儿,我们将会跟从主的命令,彼此洗脚。

    In a few minutes , we will follow Jesus'command to wash feet .

  17. 罗:当年耶稣就是这样给门徒洗脚。

    Luo : Jesus is to wash feet for disciple in those years .

  18. 西门没有照着传统替耶稣洗脚。

    Simon had not done the customary thing in washing his guests feet .

  19. 很少有仪式像洗脚礼这样古老或者引发感情的共鸣。

    Few rituals are as ancient or as evocativeas the washing of feet .

  20. 也就在那儿是耶稣为门徒们洗脚与一起用餐之处。

    There the Lord washed the feet of his disciples and ate with them .

  21. 你可以给你父母洗脚。

    You can give your parents feet .

  22. 家庭小组也被邀请在稍后聚在一起的时间里彼此洗脚。

    Family groups have been invited to wash feet during their time together later today .

  23. 田清钟情洗脚业

    Tian Qing is Fond of Foot-washing Industry

  24. 你难道不洗脚的吗

    Don 't you wash your feet ?

  25. 老师和学生会代表将会上前来彼此洗脚。

    Faculty and Student Council representatives will come forward to wash each other 's feet .

  26. 出40:31摩西和亚伦并亚伦的儿子、这盆里洗手洗脚。

    From it Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet .

  27. 接著,我们看到他在楼房上,不肯让救主替他洗脚。

    Then see him in the Upper Room not wanting the Saviour to wash his feet .

  28. 他还为信徒洗脚——这本是仆人的工作!

    Yet he also washes the feet of his followers - the job of a servant !

  29. 女孩一边为她刷背洗脚,一边告诉她她有多麽幸运。

    The girl scrubbed her back and her feet and told her how lucky she was .

  30. 另外,我奶奶还帮我爷爷洗脚,穿衣,洗澡。

    What 's more , she helped him wash his feet , dress , and shower .