
  • 网络crossing point
  1. 跷脉交会穴磁片贴压并气压式血液循环机治疗中风下肢痉挛临床研究

    Clinical Research on the Effect of the Conductors Sticking on the Crossing Point of the Qiao Meridian Cooperating with the Blood Circulation Punching Machine on Treating the Convulsion of the Lower Limbs Due to Cerebral Stroke

  2. 此系脾、肝、肾三阴经之交会穴。

    This is an intersecting point of the Spleen , Liver and Kidney Meridians .

  3. 特定穴配伍主要显示五输穴和交会穴关联配伍。

    The particular points prescription mainly show the relative of five acupoints and rendezvous points prescription .

  4. 在所选腧穴中,特定穴占较大比重,而在特定穴中选取交会穴最多。

    In selected acupoints , the particular points are taking larger proportion , and the rendezvous points are mostly selected .

  5. 结论:中医经络腧穴学中八脉交会穴理论中内关、公孙两穴对脘腹部能量有协同调节作用。

    Conclusion : Present the same foundation of Nei-Guan and Gong-Sun point have a function of the energy regulation on the abdomen in a theory " Ba-mai Jiao-hui Point " .

  6. 讨论:通过对相关文献以及古籍的整理及分析研究,总结出现代医家应用八脉交会穴的常用主治病症规律及所对应的高频配穴的应用规律。

    Discussion : Through the ancient and the collation and analysis of relevant literature research , summed eight confluence points of common disorders attending law attending high frequency corresponding with points of law applied .